Sokka the 24th - [Action]

Apr 22, 2010 19:14

[Today Sokka has excused himself from work, because really, Edward is a frigging beast and he's not too happy about the new couch just yet, so hanging out here with nothing to do is kind of pointless. So today he's working hard on one of his other, more important projects. Namely, building a few more canoes, now that he's determined the prototype to be perfectly safe. So Sokka is over beside House 56 (facing House 57 and the road to the barracks), sawing the wood for the second canoe in his 'fleet'.

If you're one of the people who agreed to help him, feel free to already be there doing so. Or if you just happen to be out and about in this obscure part of Luceti, feel free to gawk.]

*jet, *hugo, *ty lee, [action], *nanako, *azula, *longshot

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