Sokka the 43rd - [Action + Voice]

Sep 07, 2010 23:00

[See Sokka. See Suki. See Sokka and Suki but fully dressed. Despite having friends going around dying, getting injured, or what have you, nothing will dampen his warrior spirit... at having his girlfriend around. Which is why he's called off work so he can spend the day with her and show her off to the doubters. This means he'll be dragging her off to stores for ~shopping~ for whatever happens to look cool, interesting, or highly collectible. Or for lunch, eating at Seventh Heaven at a seat by the window naturally.

Pity Suki as she is dragged all through town and maybe even a little outside of town by her over enthusiastic boyfriend. He means well, really. Before this, however, he leaves a message on the journals. One of superb importance not only for his fellow workers, but for his fighting instructors as well. And friends maybe. And people who might happen to be fans. It's been known to happen.]

I am taking the day off. Because I have someone way better than some old smithy. [Indeed, that's all he had to say. He's worked at the smithy every day for two weeks now, so he's ready for a break. And Suki is way better, so he's not just saying that.]

((ooc: forward dated to tomorrow for less angst. I hope. Action tags will be tagged by Sokka and Suki, so beware!

Note: Please follow the order of Your Character > Sokka > Suki!))

*suki, *nanako, *okita souji, *zelos, *winry, *katara, [action], [voice], *freyjadour, *sheena, *selphie, *botan, *heart, *sanji, *adell, *zuko

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