Sokka the 42nd - [Action/Written]

Aug 22, 2010 01:42

[Changing back suddenly had been something of a shock. His counterpart had a tendency to stay up late and while in the middle of making a sandwich for lunch, he gradually became aware something had changed as he blanked out for a moment. He felt shorter, younger, and there was less hair on his chin. His hair was still down, but he soon fixed that. After enough time, things started to catch up with him. All the horrible things he said, did, and thought... they were firmly in his mind. Maybe it wasn't really him who did all that stuff, but he remembered it like it was.

He spends a few hours not even sleeping, just going over everything he could remember, His first priority was his sister. After quietly peeking in on her, he could see she was back to her old self. They really, really needed to talk. But for now, he takes out his journal and writes out a message.]

I'm back to my old self. To anyone I talked to this last week, I'm sorry for everything. It wasn't me, it was... someone else. Kind of. Especially you, Winry.

[Of course, writing that in the middle of the night likely won't get noticed until the morning. By that time, Sokka will be on the roof of his house, temporarily covering up the damage left there by a certain incident yesterday. It's a good excuse for not having to face what happened the last week.]

*nanako, *xion, *winry, *edward, [written], *katara, [action], *haruki, *freyjadour, *selphie, *anise, *ted, *fenimore, *nan, *sanji, *nami, *caesar

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