May 17, 2005 16:39
Hey y'all!
It is I! Paul of Markovich!
I bare sorrowful news regarding the soon, assured leaving of Japan to another place of not so wanton abandon...(America)
Firstly I managed to get my ass on over to the ばんぱく (world fair) and see my good friend Katie Stampf! Indeed she hasn't changed a bit for those of you were worried! She managed to give me a delightful tour of the awesome world fair all the while pointing out its short-comings and successes. Being an insider allowed us to skip many-a-line and was incredibly awesome! My favorite part of the whole thing was probably either seeing the world’s largest kaleidoscope or the American pavilion, which gave me the feeling of home...
Secondly I am finally finished with my two Japanese finals of which I was worried about, although seemingly for naught! They were indeed the easiest tests of the semester and I hope to have pulled out a respectable grade as such that they were. After my one final final on the 'morrow I shall once again be feel free as such that I do on the summer time, although I have few ideas as to what my activities will be those days.
The feeling impending return to America is one of extreme mixed emotions. On one had I have carved out a somewhat new life over here of fun and adventure whereas in America I already have a live waiting, albeit one that I have put on hold. It's difficult to describe but I think the point of return will be the most emotional ordeal I have ever dealt with. I have indeed fallen in love with this country and it's hard to break off such a romantic affair. I can't say everything has gone to plan has I'd have hoped, but I am glad that I have changed my live by coming here, although I have yet to decide if it was for the better or worse.
I have the e-mails of many friends and acquaintances from here all across the world and I hope to keep in contact and thusly remember the time when we shared experiences if only for 9-months.
It's been great, and it's not quite over, I think I'm one step closer to maturity!