Busy days

Aug 23, 2005 22:35

Regrettably, I am absconding for a couple of weeks on account of some ear surgery. This will result in me having a banging headache for which I expect much sympathy so all chocolates, liquors, strippers etc should be addressed to Ward 11 in the Western General Hospital.

On a more positive note, I have enjoyed a wonderful weekend of birthday celebrations thanks to my great crew of friends. Today I met my granny for lunch in Le Petit Paris and had a nice meal at my mum's this evening. I shall miss everyone, but I'll be going in with cheery memories :)

I shall leave off with some grand photos of Vegas:

Danwell in the CCA, Sat 20/08/05.

Miss Lynsey at Vegas in her impressively stunning outfit, Sat 20/08/05.

Me sporting wads of cash donated by the kind Vegas man on account of my birthdayness, Sat 20/08/05.

Danny and Andy at Vegas, Sat 20/08/05.

Patrick, Me and Kat downstairs on the Renfrew Ferry, Sat 20/08/05.

The dancefloor on the Renfrew Ferry, Sat 20/08/05.

On returning to Danny's flat, we encounter his friend the dead mouse, Sat 20/08/05.

Christina in Danny's flat, Sat 20/08/05.

Andy & Kirsty fail to keep up the party spirit into the small hours, Sat 20/08/05.

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