SF (Space Opera) | Ray Gun Revival

Aug 18, 2006 14:43

URL: http://www.raygunrevival.com/

Genres: space opera and golden age science fiction for ages 14 and up

Does Not Accept/Want: gore for the sake of gore, graphic sexual scenes depicting specific actions, fan-fic.

Fiction: no specific word length requirements, but stories 3500 words and less have a better chance

Essays/Articles: space opera or golden age sf reviews

Poetry: not closed to, but unlikely

Reprints: yes

Deadlines/Reading Period: no

Est. Response Time:

Payment: $5.00 for up to 1500 words, $10.00 for works longer than 1500 words, plus contributions for one-time electronic rights; one free contributor copy if work appears in print; $5.00 for reviews, poetry. Payment upon acceptance.

register at forums and use the Author Tools link

science fiction

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