All/Any, Lit | The Pedestal Magazine

Aug 12, 2006 12:36


Genres: literary, traditional, and experimental works; genre fiction (such as science fiction, horror, mystery, and romance) as long as it crosses or comments upon its genre and is both character-driven and psychologically acute; works that do not readily fall into one specific category

Does Not Accept/Want:

Fiction: up to 6,000 words; flash up to 1000 words

Essays/Articles: reviews of poetry collections, short story collections, novels, and books of non-fiction up to 1,000 words -- query first; interviews - query first

Poetry: open to a wide variety of poetry, ranging from the highly experimental to the traditionally formal; submit up to six (6) poems

Reprints: no

Deadlines/Reading Period: yes

Est. Response Time: 4-6 weeks

Payment: $30 per poem; fiction: $.05 per word; reviews: $.02 per word; for first rights and the right to publish the piece(s) in any subsequent issue or anthology, whether in print or online, without additional payment


literary, all/any

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