Apr 20, 2011 23:02
'ello, 'ello.
Well the sick day was nice and it has felt pretty good at work since then. A couple things have changed, nothing major I've just tried to come into work with a better attitude. I never realized how hard that could really be. I've tried multiple times in the past to come in and just try and keep a smile on my face all day and something always set it off. Maybe thats just it, nothing has been setting it off like normal lol. I don't know but I'm not going to complain, maybe I'll finish out the week and have nothing major at work make me a mad man.
So whats new here? Well, started actually raiding in World of Warcraft again. Since this latest expansion came out it was pretty "zzz" to me but a few people irl I know needed someone to step in and they all know I've been a great player in the past. So it was alright, it wasn't the group I used to raid with of course.. and playing with these guys made me miss my old group. It was also kind of annoying how my two tanks were basically hating on each other the entire time. Bickering gets old quick....
ALSO HOLY COW KATHY I AM SO GLAD YOU PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Sorry. But after I found that out, I was all super excited. And here I was just talking about how we should keep in touch. Boom, done. Easy enough. Lol.
Haha, I thought there was something else I felt like talking about here but after Kathy mentioned she plays League of Legends it basically made me forget entirely what else I was going to talk about. Thats okay though, I can post on another day!