I am covered in urine

Sep 29, 2010 09:15

Taz is maybe slightly better...he walks a few steps.  Not a lot.  Like 5 steps, then he just stands there looking pathetic.  But he isn't doing that painful kasumal panting thing.  We are having a problem with urinary incontinence.  We don't know if it is that he is in too much pain to get up and take care of business or if a nerve got damaged during the hip and femur operation, or-- if the nurse was totally severed.  Here is the un-PC truth.  It has to get better, or I have to put him down. Gil isn't ready to hear that yet--- but we can't live with a dog that drips urine every hour.  For now, I keep him confined to one room unless it is RIGHT after voiding, but this is no way for a dog to live.  So we will see how it goes over the next week. 
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