Regarding the First Weekend of The Chilly Month Of October:

Sep 25, 2007 08:39

Right, you 'orrible lot:

Apparently that buxom temptress from Lufbra, Charlie (Ogly, to give her LGay handle), will stop sunning herself in front of greasy teenage Sicilians for a couple of days to grace us poor mutants in Nottingham.

"Big Deal", you might say; "We know this, I'm seeing her down Damage!".

And I say "Ah, but that isn't all!"

Due to those irrepressable rascals at ADRHEF, it seems that the day after Damage (that'll be the saturday then), there be one of these all day/night parties that they're always seem to be having. Yes, once again they are willing to place their house and Reena's OCD cleaning abilities to the test for YOU!. Well, mainly Charlie again, but you get the idea.

So, for all those who can read my journal (and for those who peak onto the friends of my journal's friends page), if you know where it is (I'll give you a clue: it's not Dudley) and you know how to have a good time whilst sitting in a small garden, then THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!

So, what's on the menu on this smorgesboard of delightful and witty prose?


I will be bringing down my portable media center (a external hard drive) RIPPED to the core of over 700 albums of various genres (which, for once, I WILL HAVE NO SAY IN WHAT GETS PLAYED!!!), plus over 30 top quality 'not illegal downloads at all' films which, hopefully if Andy's workplace is nice again and if he can/wants to get it, will be shown on a projector onto a cream wall with Markachu SURROUNDOSOUNDORAMA!!!!

The George Foreman BBQ of death will probably be busted out if needed. So what if it's basically a gas cooker on wheels, the food it produces tastes of pure success!

People! Yes, actually people that you may not know, who you can interact with in a social environment without having to worry about any suprise sex! For most of the night!

Excellent food! As it seems to be the case with every event they hold, Danni of ADRHEF will slave herself down to the knuckle producing various vegaterian dishes of pasta etc. that taste like pure sex. Of the mucky, dirty, estatic 4 hour kind. And if she feels like it, no doubt Linda will be getting busy with the quiche (with Charlie, no doubt, looking over and tutting. ;) )

Other things that I can't possibly type because of how excellent they'd be, and not because my boss is looking over my shoulder!

So: October 6th. From 2PM.

Be there, or the CHAIR... OF DEATH!'s ghost shall haunt you in your dreams....
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