Title: Money Doesn't Matter 2/?
Author: tafidadarling
Fandom: Crossover between Criminal Minds which belongs to CBS and The Social Network which belongs to Columbia Pictures.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Mark/Eduardo, Chris, Dustin, Morgan/Reid, entire BAU team including JJ, Cooper from Lo-Fi and Mayhem
Rating: FRM for language and violence including some pretty descriptive torture.
Spoilers/Notes: For CM, the episodes Lo-Fi and Mayhem (slightly) since Detective Cooper makes an appearance. Revelations since Reid makes a reference to what happens in that episode. (In the CM time line, the story occurs between Mayhem and before Omnivore.) For TSN, major spoilers for the movie though nothing is mentioned specifically except in reference to Mark and Eduardo's relationship. (In the TSN time line, it's post-movie. Considering Season 3 of CM is set in 2007, it would be about three years since Eduardo sued Mark.) It is possible to read this if you're not a fan of both. Character quirks might be the only turn off, but I suggest you give it a chance.
Summary: The BAU is unsure about Mark's intentions and then something happens that stops everyone in their tracks.
Author's Notes: For
this prompt at the
tsn_kinkmeme . Sorry this chapter is short.
You can read Money Doesn't Matter at my journal