Hi, friends, if I still have any.
I've totally neglected you for weeks and weeks. Now, laid up with a sprained ankle and torn ligaments, and inspired by my son's intellectual blog,
bookselleresversusbestsellers@blogspot.com , I'll try to to somewhat better, but I don't promise to eevn try to match his well thought out and researched blog comparing real Darwinism with the "social Darwinism" of the Third Reich. I do think that the utter failure of the German attempt at applied eugenics, and destruction of the Third Reich itself, proves the truth that natural selection works better than eugenics at furthering the evolution of the best and brightes tnations in the real world. Only problem: Those people who applied eugenics by wiping out millions of people they designated as inferior were themselves products of natural selection. Arg!
Back to the real world of my and my attempts to cope with necessary tasks mostly while sitting down.
Here's how natural selection worked in making supper tonight. This dish evolved from an Aserbaijani oven casserol that begins with a raw chicken. Because I dare not put too much pressure on my injured foot, I began with what was left on the carcass of a deli roast chicken.
My recipe is quick and totally delicious. I hope you like it. If you don't happen to have a mostly destroyed cooked chicken in your fridge, start with 2 or 3 raw chicken thighs and cook the chicken, covered, for 40 minutes. Either way, You need a wide, no-stick skillet that has a lid.
When the chicken is done, finish the sauce as described in the second paragraph below.
Serves 2 or 3
Cook 1/2 cup finely chopped onion in 2 Tablespoons of butter until it's golden.Stir in 1 scant teaspoon cinnamon powder and 1/2 cup of chicken broth, or 1/2 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon chicken granules. Add some slabs of cooked chicken breast and any leftrover cooked other chicken parts. Peel and thickly slice 2 peaches. Put the chicken in the pan with the onions. Cover it with a layer of sliced paches. Put the lid on. Bring it to a simmer. Simmer 20 to 25 minutes until chicken is thoroughly heated and peaches cooked but not overcooked. With a big slotted spoon transfer the chicken and peaches to a serving bowl.
Increase heat until the sauce boils briskly. Stir in 2 Tablespoons lemon juice and a mixture of 1 Tablespoon cornstarch and 2 or 3 tablespoons of cold water. Stir-cook until sauce clears and thickens, adding more (hot) water if it boils down too much and gets too thick. Taste. Add a spoonful of sugar or honey if you'd like the sauce less piquant.
Enjoy with microwaved yams or winter squash, or steamed brown rice.