What if enemy soldiers attacked your home town?

Jun 28, 2010 22:16

Here's my first post in a very long time. Writing and revising my third novel in my series about Charlemagne's family kept my nose pointed into the WIP for at least a year. Now it's out to my critique group. The first two, Rotaida and the Runestone  followed Rotaida's as, sold as a slave in Frankish King Charlemagne's palace,  she searched for her natural father, the mystery of her mother's past, and her own true  identity . In the second Royal Spy, kidnapped by Saxons and carried away into the lands of her farther's worst enemies, she became Charlemagne's spy. Disguised as a boy and forced into the Saxon army, and to fight her own Frank countrymen, she learns  things she'd rather not have to face about her ethnic heritage, yet some answers about her mother's life leading up to her own childhood still elude Rotaida.

The third book tells secrets Rotaida's mother, Jana, would not reveal even on her deathbed. It explores what it was like one forcontinental Saxon family when Charlemagne's army invaded their Saxon state. In the first Chapter, Jana's mother, DanishPrincess Inga , is whisked away to Denmark on the night before a Saxon raid, leaving her three children in the care of servants who disappear. Jana and her little sister Gudrun barely escape. Their little brother Helmut gets captured.

The rest of this new story is their struggle to survive, and to avoid Morag, a "Wise Woman" (read witch) who insists that Jana is Goddess Freya come to earth and uses all her magic arts to force her play that role. Jana wants to track the Franks soldiers and rescue Helmut, but she must protect Gudrun, who wants to save save Jana, even though it means forgetting Helmut for now.

witch, charlemagne, goddess, survival

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