Kahlan's Confession

Mar 11, 2009 22:02

disclaimer: I don't own anything. At all. lol
word count: 723
pairing: R/K
rating: PG (for brief mentions of the sexiness)
spoilers: Revenant
summary: Yep, it’s another Revenant ficlet. Just the Confessor’s thoughts after the fact.

I hate magic. In any form. That seems strange for a Confessor, but when one has lived the life I have, it’s an unavoidable attitude. For a long time, I thought I hated my own magic the most. But now, I know that’s not true. No, what I really hate are ghosts. Especially ghosts of former Seekers and Confessors that think it would be fun to possess the current ones.
Now, I will admit that what happened to them was awful. To be separated even in death…But that does NOT give them the right to possess Richard and me and use our bodies to, erm, “express their love.” They really were going to do it, too, if Zedd hadn’t of come in. I could feel how much Vivian wanted it.
That really was the worst part. You would think being possessed by a spirit would rid you of your consciousness. That at least you wouldn’t know how you were being used. But I was completely aware of everything that was happening. It was like I was in the back of her mind, watching it happen and experiencing it myself through a haze. I was entirely aware that in few more minutes I would be completely naked, and then we would be in real trouble. Besides the physical sensations, which were incredibly overwhelming, I also could feel all of her emotions. I could feel her love for Kiernan. I could see the man he used to be before his anger consumed him. He had been a True Seeker, so much like Richard. I could feel him touch her, or us I suppose, and I could feel his love for her. And though it was probably just my imagination, I could feel Richard’s love in his touch, too.
I didn’t want to. In the beginning, I was screaming at Vivian that what Kiernan was saying was wrong. I think for a moment I got through to her. She told him that our mission was too important, but then he started pleading and reasoning with her. Finally, he resorted to a ploy like the one Richard had tried to use on me. All she had to do was say she didn’t want him and mean it, and he would release her. My mind immediately flashed back to Richard saying that I simply had to tell him that I didn’t feel anything for him, and he would let me go. I can still feel how it tore at me to tell him I had no feelings at all for him. Vivian, on the other hand, didn’t have the strength to lie to Kiernan. Some part of me cheered when she gave into him.
I immediately hated myself for it, but soon I was too caught up in how she felt to be kissing Kiernan again, and how I felt to be kissing Richard, to worry about something as trivial as saving the Midlands from Darken Rahl. Part of me knew that this was my only chance to be with him that way. Because as much as Vivian loved Kiernan, I know that I love Richard more. Too much to do what she had done. In my right state of mind, when I’m not sharing my body with a lovesick ghost, I value Richard’s soul to much to take it, and not just because he is the Seeker. It’s because he is Richard.
We still haven’t talked about what happened in the tomb. Thank the spirits. I wouldn’t be able to look him the eyes for weeks. But it is still hanging there between us. We are both more careful with each other than before. Somehow, I think the whole thing has given Richard confidence and hope for us. He never misses a chance to tell me how he feels, even though he doesn’t right out say he loves me. It did the opposite for me. I’m terrified by the idea of ending up like Vivian and Kiernan. But whenever he says something about it, I get this wonderful warm feeling. I am in love with a man who loves me, not because of magic but because he chooses to. And because he’s Richard, I know that if there is a way for us to be together, he will find it. And then the real adventure will start.


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