old bones fanfic

Mar 05, 2009 23:33

Alrighty, so this is a story I wrote ages ago (and I mean AGES). But we have been Bonesless lately, so I wanted to remind myself of why I love the show, so I thought I would post this. I'm going to go ahead and apologize for Parker's age ahead of time. I wrote this before I saw him; I had only heard about him.

Title: Quality Time
Author: marjee_mae
Pairing: B/B
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: Bones spends some time with someone special.

He weighs more than I expected. He’s so tiny that I thought he would weigh next to nothing, even though I know how much infants usually weigh from work. Of course, those children always seem heavier than they are because they’re dead weight. Dead people always seem heavier, even if their just bones.

This little boy is definitely alive. He is squirming and wriggling and pulling at my hair and necklace and nose. His cheeks have the rosy glow of good health and there is a mischievous light in his eyes, which tells me he knows he shouldn’t be pulling on me this way.

It should be annoying, but it’s not. It’s oddly comforting and slightly scary. He is so full of life and possibilities, but so fragile at the same time. I know from experience how delicate children are. They are so easily broken.

This one wouldn’t be, though. He already is as stubborn as his father. I have been trying for awhile now to get him to release my necklace, but he manages to hold on, not through strength-though he is surprisingly strong-, but through sheer determination. He is even making the same face as his dad does when he is trying to get his way.

This reminds me of how I get his dad to do what I want. I might as well try it on him, too. I put my hand under his chin and nudge upwards, until we are face to face. I take my other hand and run a finger down his cheek. It feels like velvet. On an impulse, I lean down and replace my hand with my mouth and give him quick smacking kiss. He immediately releases my necklace and lets out a full belly-laugh, just like his dad.

He then rocks forward on his rear and grabs my ears, using them to pull himself up. It hurts a bit and I let out a yelp. This is apparently the funniest thing ever to the little mongrel. I jerk him up and raise him over my head, trying to put some fear into the little beast. He spreads his arms and legs out like a starfish and gives out another full laugh that resonates throughout the room. This is too adorable for me to resist, so I lower him and kiss his nose before sending him back up again. We repeat the procedure about three times, and then in mist of the fourth kiss, he is jerked up out of my arms.

I immediately jump to my feet, ready to do battle before I realize that the thief is his father. The child is still laughing while he snuggles on his father’s hip. I glace at the father’s face, which is sporting a smug grin and there is a mocking tilt to his head.

“Did you have fun with Auntie Bones, kiddo?” He asks the child with his gaze still locked on mine.

“Yes!” is the resounding response. Booth throws him out from his hip to adjust his position, which Parker perceives as a continuation of our game. Booth leans over and kisses the top of his son’s head. He leans over me and turns toward my ear.

“And did Auntie Bones have fun with you?” he mock whispers. His breath is warm and sweet against my ear. He pulls away from me, his grin still smug, but the look in his eyes has gone from playful to knowing. I reach and brush Parker’s face again with my finger. Again, I give the child a kiss, this time wishing I could do the same to his father.

“Yes,” I whisper.



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