eBay Heartbreak

Nov 16, 2003 12:12

Hi. I'm Marji. I'm a geek and a packrat...

After carting boxes of crap around with me for the last 10+ years, I decided it was time to unload the stuff that no longer holds any real expected use or sentimental value to me: the complete sets of Star Trek episode novels from the original TV show and the cartoon series; the set of Star Trek ornaments; X-Files comic books and 'collectors editions' TV Guides; a set of old Harn RPG source books; a foot-high stack of Dragon Magazines.

So I went to eBay to see what the auctions looked like:


So completely inactive, that the above statement warranted neither a capital letter nor punctuation. There were a lot of items offered but the bidding was seriously nonexistent. I expected to see a whole lot more on the Trek ornaments if nothing else. I remember seeing individual mint-in-box ornaments selling for 3 to 5 times its original price about 5 years ago when I was looking to fill the holes in my collection.


It wasn't that I was expecting to strike it rich off this stuff but I was hoping to make enough to make it worth the bother. Selling a 12-volume set of Trek books for less than $10 is more cringeworthy to my inner geek than selling them at all. For that little return, I'd rather donate them to a local library.

Maybe I'll wait for a substantial scifi convention to come to the area and see if I can't hawk the stuff there. Hm. Before I even do that, I'll post a list of the stuff here and give you guys a first shot at.

But boy, am I disappointed...

house, geek

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