I'm overjoyed to find that the parsley I planted last year is growing again this year, with a vengeance! It even beat out the weeds. My strawberries, on the other hand, didn't make it.
After seeing a similar product online, I solved our problem of Bean being too short to turn on the light in the bathroom, using a dowel, shrink tubing, and a couple of paper clips. Sure, it would be easier to just replace the ground fault outlet and use a nightlight but hey...
http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20080206The last panel: I fell in love with the fan. Mentioned it to Hubby. He must of been bored at work since he brought home his own sketch of a steampunk fan and ideas of how to make it. I'm also thinking that thin sheet brass can't be that hard to work with.