Random Montage

May 17, 2007 10:37

The stitching on my lovely new bourgeois loafers came undone. Used Mothers Day as an excuse to go back to the outlet mall with Hubby's mom to get them replaced. While I was actually happy about bringing the shoes back since I wasn't happy with the fit, I left the shop with regular penny loafers. Couldn't find tassels that fit right. And now, I find that I miss them. Bought Candy Land for Bean and a gallon of bubble solution for her bubble machine. Kitchen shears that come apart for effective disinfecting.

I had an idea at work that turned into a project. The very best part about it is that it's a perfect learning project. It's not vital or important so I can fiddle around with it without worrying about a deadline and it gives me the opportunity to divine my way through the labyrinth that is the city's tax & revenue data tables. A couple of other projects are popping up so I'm not as bored as I was. I'm also trying to study up to take the A+ cert test and eventually the MS Office Specialist tests. Hey, Boss said to take advantage of whatever training the city has to offer... Spent about 30min this morning trying to pry torn bits of paper wedged in the bill/check reading machine. I do it all.

My excellent and generous older-younger sister (as opposed to my younger-younger sister) has enabled me to get ball rolling on the recovery of my head crashed hard drive. Yay!

Bean's potty training has hit a rut. She's fine during the day at day care but we can't find something that works at home. It's very very frustrating.

The Cam is keeping me busy, in game and out. I've been gnashing my teeth over losing my character sheet in the hard drive crash then remembered that I participated in an online game back in January. That game required submitting my character sheet ahead of time and a quick search through my sent mail folder found me a complete copy of the character sheet file. Between unspent xp, the MC refund, and the last four months of games, I've got quite a chunk of xp to spend. And spending it I am! *shakes fist* Curse you, clever VST!

House continues to be a wreck. Not exactly sure what to do about that. But all in all, it's been a pretty good couple of weeks.

cam, fashion, job, bean

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