Jul 25, 2011 18:34
1. Saw a play this week. Amateur one a friend was in called Dearly Departed. If you've seen the movie Kingdom Come, that movie was based on it.
2. Had some minor car troubles caused by the horrible rain that came around at the end of last week. But once the car dried out, it was fine.
3. Spent time with family on Sunday. Specifically, parents, aunt and cousins.
4. Finally got myself an HDTV! It's just a 19" Emerson, but it's really nice and even has a DVD player built in.
5. Caught up on a bunch of reviews I had to write. (Limbo, Captain America: Super Soldier and Bleach: Soul Resurreccion)
6. Just found out my review copy of a game I've been craving (Catherine) is at this very moment on its way to my house! :D
7. Went out with this guy named Chris who's really awesome. Just dinner and bowling, but it was really fun and he's a great guy.
8. Upgraded my Mass Effect 3 preorder. The lure of the robot dog was just TOO STRONG.
9. Watched all of season 1 of Torchwood last week. I officially love the series now.