beach pics

Aug 04, 2008 10:18

When I went to the beach with my family when I was little, my mom would always insist on us getting up really early (while it was still dark!) one day and going to the beach to watch the sun rise. I suggested this to my sister while we were at the beach and she sounded enthusiastic, yet doubtful that we could get up that early. This made me more determined to do it! Try as I might, I could not find any booklets or pamplets that listed anything other than the tides, so I had to call my sister Amy to get her to look up the sunrise time. 6:26 am. That's not so bad! The morning we went was clear and cool, and my nieces surprised me by coming with us. We got to the beach just minutes before it was supposed to happen, and I was afraid we'd missed it because it was already so bright outside. I was not disappointed.

Our first view. No sun in sight!

There it is! A tiny sliver.

Once started, it progresses really quickly!

Here you can see the pier and a fisherman.

I don't remember what this is called...something like "sun column" but you can see a slight column above the sun that is some kind of optical thing. Wow, I sound like I know what I'm talking about, don't I? Did I pass any of my physics classes???

More obvious here...

And it's already starting to get hot...

I love getting the reflection on the water.

More of the same...

I manage to get one that's not crooked. (It's hard to take a straight picture when you're standing on a slope!)

Last one!

Edit: It's actually called a light pillar.

pics, journal

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