Calm vibes

May 23, 2017 23:51

I've been around but I've been spending a lot of my time writing these past few days. I love feeling this creative but I've either been writing or thinking about writing and getting myself to do more writing since the weekend. I'll be happy when mmom is over, just so I can focus on some other things for a moment but I'll also miss the drive to write every day like I've been. No, not just write but POST something, which forces me to strive to finish something in completion.

So Friday mom and I shopped. Saturday we hit the first farmer's market of the year almost as soon as it opened so she could score a tomato plant. She succeeded and we bought homemade bread and jams and honey, etc. Then I went home and napped and felt hung over for the rest of the day, even though it was just from exhaustion from shopping. Sunday I got to do nothing because D and I decided to record the podcast yesterday since it was a holiday.

I haven't posted a new podcast in a few weeks and we have two in the can now, ready to go, plus a two-parter if I ever manage to edit the thing down and separate it. I'm not that great at the editing thing just yet and it's also a SLOG to keep listening to the same hour or more of us talking a few times until I'm okay with it.

Work is fine but I was quite relieved to have the extra day on top of a long weekend to get away. I've now taken three days since I started in October and two of them were for medical/personal legal reasons so they didn't even really count. There are things coming down the pipeline over the next few months that I'll have to try to really have my shit together for and I feel like I'm getting better at handling the job. It's a very hands-off position right now and after all my time at the paper I thought it would be a nice change but I really do like structure. So the more comfortable I feel with knowing what I should be doing on a daily basis, the better off I'll be with everything.

Mom was sick with the flu today, or something flu-esque. I don't feel bad and I don't think I've caught anything but I've found that since I've been at this job she's the only person who gets me sick since I don't have daily interactions with anyone, LOL. Good for me but shitty for my immune system since it doesn't get to fight anything.

Gracie's getting shaved down tomorrow. I hope I didn't book it too early because we have a wacky weather front coming in (the weather network started throwing advisories around yesterday and it doesn't hit until overnight tonight or tomorrow) that could make her a chilly kitty for a while. I shaved her in early May last year because of my surgery and she was fine but we've had a bit more of a rollercoaster with our temps these past few weeks.

Anything exciting happening with you guys?

life: mom, life: grace, fandom: writing, life: podcast, life: 2017, life: i got this! job, fandom: mmom

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