sitting on top of the world

May 07, 2017 23:40

UGH. Yesterday was quite busy for me, in comparison to how my weekends usually go. I was up to get my blood collected and had to go to the new blood collection site for the first time. I think I might brave the hospital next time because it was a bit... I don't know, I didn't like it. I was #54 when I got there around 10am. When I showed up they were only calling #32 or something stupid. There were two places in town, aside from the hospital, that did it before and one of the collection sites was literally three blocks from me so I could walk. Now it's across town. :( I also didn't feel 100% like the staff knew what they were doing? Like, they DO but at the place I used to go the staff was no-nonsense and knew their shit. It's like the staff at the new place hasn't settled in and become a bunch of assholes yet, I don't know.

After that mom and I did yard work so I was raking and mowing for a couple hours. I felt okay after, although winded for sure, but well enough to get a pedicure and then go to D's to record the podcast (which was SO much fun this week! We played a game called nuclear winter). We finished up around 8pm and I could have stayed longer but I was getting hungry and also a bit tired.

By 10pm I was ready for bed but I held out until midnight... sort of. I totally fell asleep in my chair. So the post I intended to make yesterday with yesterday's MMOM fic and about my day was lost in the ether.

Today I woke up in SO much pain. I already hurt from the sunburn I got on Friday but on top of that my arms hurt worse now from raking and my back is the wooooorst. I also felt like I was kind of hung over all day, like I drank last night. Tomorrow should be interesting with having to sit at my desk all day.

So here are the MMOM fics I've posted since Friday.

Truth has endurance
R, Derek/Stiles, 4141 words
5+1 fic, crushes & mutual pining, pack business, willful obliviousness

He thought he'd gotten over that. Thought he and Derek were basically friends. Thought he could handle this.

stopped counting the hours
R, Scott/Isaac, 700-ish words
Pre-Alpha Scott, sharing a bed

This time Isaac was alert and reached for Scott when he slipped into his room. Without hesitation, Scott slid under the covers and faced Isaac on his side.

checking him out
PG-13, Scott/Isaac, 1000-ish words
Librarian!Stiles, college student Stiles, mutual pining, mentions of masturbation

He was back.

Tall, dark, and broody was back on his floor for the third Friday night in a row… with a partner. Of course TDB would have a gorgeous, blonde girlfriend.

life: health, fic: teen wolf, #54, life: podcast, life: 2017, fandom: mmom, #32

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