it's not that I can't do it, it's just that I have no idea WHAT I'm doing

May 05, 2017 23:57

59: what's your favorite myth?

I don't have one, I don't think. I just tried to Wiki some but the lists are all long and involved and there's way too many to flip through so I guess I just don't have one.

That was a shitty question and answer so I want to do another question.

60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?

Eh, it's okay. I wrote some in middle school but I'm pretty sure everyone went through that phase. Now I like the short tumblr-esque word vomits I see created like a basic bitch meme. And you can never go wrong with Emily Dickenson, either. I just like words.

All of a sudden it's summer here and the past two days have hit 30 after starting out the week at around 12. I am now sporting a delightfully red burn after sitting outside the office for a half hour at lunch today. I didn't have anywhere to go but didn't want to be stuck inside so I just sat by the front door and soaked up the sun. A bit too much, now that my shoulders and arms are bright red. It's how I get any colour at all and the tan lines I get right now will last me through to Christmas or longer because I'm so incredibly pale. Good times.

The fic I posted yesterday was a surprising success and I've gotten about 20 comments by now which baffles me. When I woke up, about 5.5 hours after posting it I already had 12 and thought that was crazy. Mind blown.

Blood work in the morning, then yard work, and then hanging out with D to record the next episode of The Broad Couple, even though I'm still sitting on last week's episode. The ultimate never-gonna-happen-goal would be to have someone to edit and upload the podcast for us so I don't have to do it, LOL.

fic: teen wolf, fandom: memes, life: podcast, life: 2017

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