2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
HELL no. It sucks worse when you've just brushed your teeth and they're minty fresh. Then it's like the cold feeling of four exposed tooth roots only with more snot.
Tomorrow morning I meet with my lawyer and the lawyer for the insurance company of the guy that hit me in 2014. Once this goes through we'll likely put forth a proposal for settlement. I met with my lawyer last week to go over my file and to prep on what I'll likely be asked. It was then that I learned the guy who hit me died at some point in the past almost three years. I don't know how or when but I'm morbidly curious, especially because he was given a 24 driving ban for operating a vehicle while on a medication he shouldn't have been.
I'm not upset by it-- if anything it'll make the proceedings go by faster since my lawyer doesn't have to cross-question anyone. I'm curious to know what he did since I saw a stethoscope over his rearview mirror after he hit me.
There was a great article posted to Buzzfeed today about the podcast I was JUST recommended,
My Favorite Murder. If you enjoy true crime and a conversational approach in your podcasts check this one out! Karen and Georgia are so much fun and I love the way they approach horrifying things.