Never in my life

Jan 25, 2017 23:28

Gracie's visit to the vet went well. The urine sample I was able to take revealed she had a bit of blood in it along with some other indicators of an infection. Our visit was quick, efficient, and the doctor was great. She was someone new and much better than the guy who put Gia down for us a couple years ago. That guy was just a kid and clearly hadn't developed any kind of personable bedside manner. Or a personality period.

I was able to get her to the vet and back AND give her the meds and get to work in less than an hour, which is crazy.

I'm most impressed with Gracie, however. I've had a lot of cats in my life, probably 18 or so. Never ever have I ever had an animal, cat or dog, eat the pills out of my hand without needing to hide them in cheese or other bits of tempting food. She's on a course of antibiotics for two weeks and she has a few days of an anti-inflammatory to help settle her insides down a bit.

I was dreading having to give her the meds because it's never fun to shove your fingers down a cat's throat a couple times a day so this is amazing to me!

Last night at dinner K let me know about a couple crime podcasts she enjoys, My Favorite Murder and Sword and Scale (I think). I never pegged myself as a podcast person but once I started listening to Casefile I only wanted to hear more. Do any of you have any fave crime-based podcasts? I like the ones that are standalone eps or only a few parts per case; the ones that are a whole season on one story (like Serial) have too much info for me to pay attention episode after episode.

life: grace

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