And now you know the rest of the story

Jan 09, 2017 23:45

• It snowed as much in six hours last night as it pretty much has the entire season so far. That was an interesting drive to work. It was actually a bit easier than it usually is with over a half foot of snow on the ground! See, in my area of the city they'll plow and sand the hills (first priority since those generally don't work well with gravity and ice and shit) and the schools are second or third priority. Everything else in residential is basically like Mad Max: Polite Canadian Grumbling. So after a couple days we drive over the snow until it packs down and gets nice and slick. Then, if we're REALLY lucky, we'll have a chinook blow through for a couple days (literally, it's a warm wind that often triggers warnings) that melts everything JUST enough so it refreezes into solid ice for another month.

So the first day is okay driving because there's enough buffer that you're not sliding TOO much all over. For one day. OH GOOD.

• The new thing O is working on with the other media company I almost got a job with is within the last month of their prep before they launch. Since my company just went back to work today we haven't set a meeting time yet to hear their pitch and what they have to offer us. I'd love to be involved in this, if only to dig the knife that much more into my old job.

• I really need to do my "all about me" up again so there's some context to this without me explaining everything over and over again like the second chapter of every The Babysitter's Club book. Know what's funny? I'm twenty+ years older than the eldest members of that club but they still feel so much more mature than me even today. Adult who?

• I caught up with The Librarians and Shadowhunters tonight since there wasn't much else on. I'm not sure what the point was of bringing some shows back last week, right after the holiday, only to yank them back off this week. Winter finales and premieres are kinda bullshit now, huh?

I don't want this season of The Librarians to end. I feel like the cast has really gelled and I'm enjoying everyone (except Flynn, although he's been SOMEWHAT better this season but I still don't like his flaky ass) and the overall season storyline. Only two more eps this season! :(

• There's still more than a MONTH until John Oliver and Last Week Tonight comes back. :( And STILL no premiere date for Rick & Morty season three. I'll just be over here quietly whining in the corner, thanks.

• SOMEONE pissed on my bed today. :\ The potential culprits. I THINK it was Coconut, the dog, because it was a bigger stain that soaked all the way down to my MATTRESS COVER (thank fuck for that cover!) and it was only damp still by the time I got home. Plus it didn't smell like cat piss, AND someone peed on the mat I have in front of my vanity in the bathroom last week, too. Luckily it was just a dollar store thing so it wasn't expensive but my first reaction ALL THE TIME is to blame Gracie and I feel so bad. Four months of freaking out that she was angry with me for some reason and was pissing all over my closet only to find out the water heater was leaking. And now this--THIS.

I got the idea it was Coconut as well because when I put her out when I got home she made a beeline to poop IMMEDIATELY, which she never does first thing, and ONLY pooped. The thing that's super weird is that she CAN hold it quite easily. Sometimes I'll get home from work and she's like, "Fuck you, I'm not going outside, I'm fine." So I'm wondering if she got super cold and it affected her bladder or if something scared her. It's just so weird. WHY ON MY BED?!

We only JUST started letting her into the basement when we weren't home during the day because we were worried she'd get into the litter box room or something but then she was squeezing through the railing bars and walking down the shelf that runs along the stair wall so she could get downstairs. She could get down here but not back up because she can't just REVERSE how she got there so we decided it was fine and stopped blocking the stairs with a baby gate. Blocking the railings meant Gracie wouldn't be able to get up either so we didn't have a choice. SO MUCH FOR THAT.

tv shows: shadowhunters, life: weather, life: 2017, life: friends, tv shows: last week tonight, life: grace, tv shows: the librarians, life: coconut

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