Other stuff

Dec 05, 2016 23:39

Snagged this from favoritexrecord and I'm posting this before I post today's Advent fic (partly because I still have to write it and I'm a rebel).

Your main fandom of the year?
Teen Wolf, hands down.

Your favorite film you watched this year?
Hmmm. Probably between Zootopia and Captain America: Civil War.

Your favorite book read this year?
I... *whispers* didntreadanybooksthisyear. I'm about halfway through A Discovery of Witches but I would NOT call it a fave.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
I've listened to SO much this year it's hard to say. I discovered some great stuff, though! Maybe the Victorious soundtrack? That shit is my crack.

Your favorite TV show(s) of the year?
The Tunnel is totally #1. It still sits with me. I also fell in love with Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and, of course, Teen Wolf.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Shadowhunters, as much as I tried to fight it.

Your fandom that made an unexpected comeback this year?
Nothing? I don't tend to return to fandoms, as I've written about recently.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Ehhhhh whatever I dumped? Like Arrow? But I've always been off and on with that one. I'm sure there's something out there that let me down at some point. Maybe Timeless? Although I never intended to be fannish with it so I dunno.

Your fandom boyfriend(s) of the year?
Tyler Hoechlin (I don't care if this is supposed to be fake people). The Lethal Weapon dudes?

Your fandom girlfriend(s) of the year?
Phryne Fisher!

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Hmmm. I don't know? Maybe when Elise told Karl he was her best friend on The Tunnel? I love them so much.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
I keep wanting to go back and rewatch Queer as Folk but I don't know if I miss the fandom.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Shows? I'm sure there's a bunch. Fandoms? I don't know because I have to fall hard for the show and usually a pairing on it for me to fall for the fandom.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
Baywatch? LOL All the Marvel stuff (including Legion, which starts in February), Beauty & the Beast, Fast 8, uhhh. I just googled what's coming out for movies next year and it was half "don't care" and half "wtf they made another one of THOSE?!"

I saw trailers today for The Mummy with Tom Cruise and Transformers Whatever the Fuck the Next One is Called. Both left me incredibly underwhelmed.

Like, the 1999 version of The Mummy with Brenden Fraser and Rachel Weisz wasn't GOOD. It was FUN. It was action-filled and had likeable characters and a cute romance, etc. The new one with Tom Cruise looks like Jurassic World meets Mission Impossible and it looks SO bad. Like, I'll have no emotional connection to anyone in that movie. Maybe the Mummy?

And the Transformers trailer-- The TRANSFORMERS TRAILER. I can't even with that. It looks like Robots vs. Star Wars Rogue One but no one fucking cares and everyone wants it to die. The only person I have even a bit of respect for in that movie is Josh Duamel and it's because dude's just doing what he does and he's stuck with it. Why Mark Wahlberg (UGH) is in it is beyond me. It's not like he needs the money. I fell asleep about an hour into the last Transformers once it hit Netflix and woke up a while later and there was still well over an hour left in it. SO BORING AND BAD.

I'm going to see The Nutcracker tomorrow! I asked D about going MONTHS ago when I heard the company putting it on was coming through. I love ballet so I'm really excited I get to see this one. The last time I got to see one was Swan Lake, I believe. This is about as Christmas as I'm going to get. Well, no, actually this whole week is. Today I plugged in my two-foot purple tree at work, ballet tomorrow, and Saturday I'll put up the tree. That's it, that's all I'm doing.

life: christmas 2016, tv shows: shadowhunters, tv shows: qaf, movies: 2017, tv shows: miss fisher's murder mysteries, fandom: memes, tv shows: victorious, tv shows: queer as folk, life: friends, tv shows: lethal weapon, movies: 2016, tv shows: the tunnel, tv shows: teen wolf, movies: marvel

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