an adultier adult

Oct 27, 2016 23:55

• I deleted the most recent episode of Timeless when I was halfway through and removed it from my scheduled recordings. I. Just. Can't.

• The next two on the chopping block are Designated Survivor and American Housewife. The former I've talked about but the latter is just 'meh'. Nothing revolutionary about it and the family/mom isn't wacky enough to stand out. It's just kind of blah. Katy Mixon deserves better.

• Speechless, on the other hand, remains a fun, quirky little slice of TV and I'm so happy it's as delightful as it is.

• Same with The Good Place. While I'm glad the creators/whoever's involved aren't trying to stretch it out to a full 22 episodes I AM sad the season is coming to an end so quickly (five more episodes).

• I have The Great Indoors ready to watch so I'll do that tomorrow. I'm not expecting much because it's a comedy on CBS making fun of millenials and the best review I've read of it has basically said it's boring, at best, but I like Joel McHale and it seems mindless enough without being completely offensive.

• Looks like my prediction that Notorious would be the first show cancelled has sort of come true. The episode order was trimmed from 13 to 10 a couple days ago which doesn't outright mean it's been cancelled but no other show that's had that happen has continued so... bye!

• My mom keeps marvelling at how much lighter I seem. I'm like, "well, I don't hate my job and feel like I'm dying inside every time I step into my office sooo..." I haven't had to take a single anti-anxiety med since I left the paper. Not to say I never will with my new job (and especially because my stress isn't 100% work-related) but so far, so good.

• I DO, however, have to really do something about my health. I need to start exercising a lot more. Or at all. I've thought to myself for the past six months that I want to start running (well, jogging) and I need to fucking do it. Where does one buy willpower?

• It would also help if I went to bed at a more decent hour and got more than five hours of sleep a night. *sigh* Adulting.

life: grownup job!, tv shows: american housewife, tv shows: speechless, tv shows: the good place, tv shows: notorious, tv shows: timeless, life: health, life: i got this!job, tv shows: designated survivor, tv shows: the great indoors, life: adulting

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