I got all I need

Aug 09, 2016 23:49

I only have one more episode of season 2 of The Tunnel and I'm so bummed. I almost don't want to watch it because season 3 hasn't been confirmed and who even knows if it WILL be? It's SO GOOD so I have to finish it. I've also still been putting off the last four episodes of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and instead might just restart it from the beginning and watch it through again before watching them.

I cracked my second egg on Pokemon Go today, LOL. Everyone else has cracked about 100 by now but I forget to keep the app open when I walk and there are two pokestops a two-minute walk away so I don't get much distance that way. The weather's been pretty shit these past couple weeks, too, so I haven't wanted to go out walking longer like I was before my surgery.

Tonight it thundered and cracked and poured for about an hour. The power flickered just enough to turn everything off and throw the PVR system into a restart, which sucked. And right now our 5G internet isn't connecting so we just have the regular internet which is fine, from what I can tell, but 5G is "better" so I'm miffed it's not working. I might have to reboot the router, I suppose.

I started the next part of... a fic I only just realized I never crossposted here. I wouldn't have mentioned it except I actually plotted the whole thing out in a 500+ words outline a couple nights ago so I know what's going to happen and I'm kind of excited! Generally I get scenes or super short fics out that don't really have anywhere else to go in my head so I don't like to say if there's going to be another part or not but this one I have a plan for! YAY!

Been listening to this "Cheap Thrills" cover pretty much on repeat for the past couple days.

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social media: pokemon go, tv shows: the tunnel, tv shows: miss fisher's murder mysteries, music: recs, music: videos

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