100 things meme (aka: LOL NO)

Aug 08, 2016 23:39

No word yet about the job but the dude I've been in contact with has to speak with another person who just came back from holidays. I spent the morning training the new person which mostly consisted of overwhelming her and the afternoon doing... not that much. I'm so checked out, LOL.

Snagged from narnialover7

001. Real name → Erin
002. Nickname(s)→ None, really.
003. Zodiac sign → Cancer
004. Male or female → Female
005. Age → 34
006. Dream Job → Professional baby animal wrangler. Or just an animal wrangler in general.
007. Eyes → Hazel
008. Hair color → Brown/red/pink/purple (depends)
009. Long or short → mid? (is this about hair?)
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet but depends on the situation
011. Sweats or Jeans → Sweats
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → LOL no
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → No
016. Eat or Drink → Eat
017. Piercings → Ears, I've had my eyebrow done twice but apparently I'm not adult enough to keep it
018. Tattoos → Three

019. Been in an airplane → Yes
020. Had sex with someone you just met → No
021. Been in a car accident → Yes
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → Ears
024. First best friend → Adam.
025. First award → I have no idea.
026. First crush → Either my neighbour Justin or the Ultimate Warrior. I don't remember which one came first.
027. First time → Nathan at 16.
028. First big vacation → NYC, 2003.

029. Last person you talked to → My mom
030. Last person you texted → D
031. Last person you watched a movie with → Brett
034. Last song you listened to → Cheap Thrills cover by Boyce Avenue
035. Last thing you bought → chocolate milk
036. Last person you hugged → idk, someone at work? I don't hug much.

037. Food → chicken or pizza or sushi or indian
038. Drink → water
039. Clothing → comfy pants!
040. Flower → lilies maybe. Something bright and colourful.
041. Books → Harry Potter
043. Movies → The Breakfast Club
044. Subjects → Changing them!

IN 2016, I ALREADY...
045. Kissed someone → I wish!
046. Celebrated Halloween → No
047. Had your heart broken → No
048. Went over the minutes on your cell phone → I don't actually talk on my phone. Go over my data, though? Every month, usually a couple times.
049. Questioned someone's sexual orientation → No? WTF?
050. Came out of the closet → No
051. Got pregnant → LOL, no
052. Had an abortion → No
053. Did something you regretted → idk, nothing big if I have.
054. Broke a promise → see above
055. Hid a secret → Yes
056. Pretended to be happy → If I have it was poorly. I don't fake things well.
057. Met someone who changed your life → Perhaps.
058. Pretended to be sick → No.
059. Left the country → No
060. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it → uhhhh, no? Idk
061. Cried over the silliest thing → Not really, I'm on meds for that.
062. Ran a mile → LOL NO. I keep saying I want to start running, though.
063. Went to the beach with your best friend(s) → No
064. Got into an argument with your friends → No
065. Hated someone → Absolutely.
066. Done something good for someone else → Yes

067. Eating → Nothing, teeth are brushed.
068. Drinking → Water.
069. I'm about to → Try to write, maybe make an icon.
070. Listening to → TV
071. Plans for today → Go to bed.
072. Waiting for → My adult to kick in and actually GO TO BED.

073. Want kids? → LOL no
074. Want to get married? → I think so. But I have to find someone and feel comfortable enough to change my life for this person so lord knows if that'll ever happen.
075. Careers in mind → I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

WHICH IS BETTER (preferred sex version)
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic, probably, although I might laugh at anything too cheesy. But I'm too much of a control freak to enjoy spontaneity.
079. Nice ass or tits → ass
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive but can be loud.
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Eh, half and half.

083. Lost glasses/contacts lenses → No
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self-defense → No
086. Killed somebody → WTF no. And if I had why in the hell would I say it here?!
087. Broken someone's heart → Maybe?
088. Rejected someone's call on purpose → LOL ALL THE TIME.
089. Cried when someone died → Yes

090. Yourself → Yeah, sometimes.
091. Miracles → I'm too skeptical.
092. Love at first sight → No
093. Heaven → No
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → The IDEA, yes. Me DOING it? Probably not. You do you, yo!
096. Kiss on the first date → If it's right, sure.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → No
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Eh, I could be happier.
099. Do you believe in God?→ No

No100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people → LOL NO.

life: grownup job!, fandom: memes, life: job search 2016

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