Nov 01, 2015 23:58
Hello from November! I pretty much shit the bed at the end of October with posting. I've been exhausted and with nothing much to say, or with things that would need too many words to explain so I just haven't.
Took Thursday off so I could make my food day contribution (salted triple caramel cupcakes that actually came out pretty well and were a hit! I don't bake often but these came out all right!) and finish my costume. I was sewing the apron for my Max costume at 11:30 that night, LOL.
My Caroline only kept her costume on for about two hours and I had to deal with that stupidly long wig for the whole day. I was a bit irritated by that but I get it, she had to do work!work things and her costume wasn't well put together, to be honest. She hand sewed it and it was stitched pretty loosely. But overall Friday was okay.
I was SO tired from the day/week that I was in bed before midnight and asleep AT midnight. I'm pretty bad for not going to bed when I'm tired and just pushing things so it was a big deal for me, LOL. Saturday mom and I weren't going to do the candy thing because, well, we didn't want to. We don't get enough kids to justify buying a lot of candy and then once we'd be out we'd still have to field the door or be prisoners at home with the lights off so no one would come to knock.
Instead we went out for supper and to see Our Brand is Crisis. The movie was... okay. Not bad by any means but I was definitely expecting something different and stronger from the trailers. I thought that maybe this would be Sandra Bullock's second run at an Oscar but not so much. She was good, the script was okay, the other actors were good but it was missing something and didn't have much OOMPH. I liked it but I'm glad I wasn't SO EXCITED to see it.
To be honest I've been feeling down lately. Not terribly and not depressive, I don't think, but I feel like there's constant anxiety hovering over me. If I let my defences down I feel like I'll have a panic attack and I'm trying to keep things on an even keel. I'm not sure 100% what's causing this. I know work is a big part of it, maybe the ONLY part of it.
If jobs weren't so scarce right now I might look around and consider something new. But I'm not about to rock the boat at this very moment when I'm seven years in and have an okay position where I am, made better with who I have as an ally. And things are potentially coming down the pipe to switch up my position again and I'm welcoming that but I don't know what to expect. I'm feeling overwhelmed at work right now and that makes me shut down, which overwhelms me and the situation even more.
I've been avoiding things at work and in my landcomms. I just lose sense of time and miss things that a month ago I was on top of. It's incredibly frustrating.
Maybe it's the season and the oncoming storm, literally and figuratively. I hate winter and cold and the dark and snow and everything about this season. I don't believe I have SAD, I just GET sad. And this year I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a bah humbug about Christmas. I can already feel it creeping up on me. I fucking hate Christmas, but some years I can handle it better than others. I don't think this year will be a good one. :\
In TV news I gave up on Quantico. I had last week's episode on my dvr and instead of watching it I deleted it and canceled the recording of it. I just can't work up any enthusiasm for it. Caught up on Agents of SHIELD again and LOVED this week's episode with the flashback to Jemma on the planet. I'm also apparently watching Chicago PD now? I don't like the Fire one and I MIGHT be interested in watching Chicago Med when it starts but I have no idea how I started watching PD. I only know Sophia Bush's character name, Erin (lol), and no one else's. I don't even like half the characters but there I am, watching once SVU is over. *shrugs*
Loving Code Black. It's so simple and yet it keeps me watching every episode. I miss er and this fills that, even though er really sucked at the end. I gave no fucks, I watched every week.
Oh, did anyone watch the Bones/Sleepy Hollow crossover? Yeah. Uh. Yeah.
life: grownup job!,
tv shows: er,
tv shows: sleepy hollow,
tv shows: chicago pd,
tv shows: agents of shield,
fandom: communities,
tv shows: code black,
tv shows: quantico,
life: christmas 2015,
life: depression,
movies: 2015,
life: fall 2015,
tv shows: bones