Clap Your Hands

Jan 27, 2015 21:51

I kinda shit the bed on posting this past week. I missed one day and then it all went downhill.

When we get this fucking bridal book out the door and it's finally printed and I don't have to worry about it again for about eight months I'm going to have a motherfucking bonfire with it as kindling. I'm so sick of a) dealing with the people in this industry. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, ALREADY! and b) being jerked in two different directions, being told to SELL SELL SELL because we're a couple thousand dollars down from last year but then having to turn ads into creative at the literal last moment so then the book can't actually leave on time. It's BULLSHIT and I'm actually looking forward to dealing with our next big project, which is one that I usually dislike because it drags on WAY too long.

January and February are such shitshows for me. Just because it's a yucky time and I hate winter as it is but pile the butthole of work on top of it and I get bitchy and petulant about it all.

I shouldn't brag about this or anything because I know winter's not done for us here but godDAMN am I happy to not be out east anymore. I miss a lot of it but not the weather. Today it was 12C, I wore capris and no socks and the snow has almost all melted, except for the big piles from plows. But the temps are expected to drop again after this weekend and we'll get more winter, right into spring. Hell, back in 2008 we got snow in June, LOL.

Despite the lovely weather my arm has been aching like a mother these past couple days, which usually only happens with inclement weather. It doesn't usually ache like this more than a day or two in advance so either we're getting snow like- now, or I'm no longer a human barometer and my arm will ache whenever it damn well feels like it. Sad.

The IUD is good, I guess. NOW I'm spotting, which is just irritating but not an inconvenience any longer. I also have some slight momentary cramping but it's more like a poke in my uterus saying, "I'M STILL HERE, DON'T GET COMFORTABLE!"

How's everyone else?

Shipping meme stolen from mightymermaid.

Choose 5 OTP’s without looking at the questions behind the cut first, then tag friends to do the same.

I went with TW since I don't actively ship in any other fandom.


1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 5? (Sheriff/Melissa)
I don't think so? I don't know if I actively ship them but I think they're adorbs together and am DEFINITELY influenced by fandom.

2. Have you ever read fanfiction about 2? (Derek/Allison)
A few here and there but it's not a big pairing. I also haven't actively sought it out, I don't think.

3. If 3 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? (Allison/Isaac)
They did, kind of, and in the worst way. It was pretty brutal to see Isaac watching Scott cradle Allison's head in his lap and for her to confess that she was dying in the arms of the boy she'll always love. How Isaac thought about that was one of my reactions to that scene and it was never explored.

4. Why is 1 so important? (Derek/Stiles)
It's arguably the largest pairing in TW fandom, canon or not. And while I don't align myself with the hardcore Sterek shippers I'm pretty jazzed by them and they're pretty much my one BIG OTP at the moment so they're important to me for that reason and for being one of my biggest footholds in the fandom.

6. Is 4 a funny ship or a serious ship? (Stiles/Malia)
Seriously funny? Stiles and Malia play very well off each other. She's so blunt and the perfect side to his sarcasm, which often leads to a lot of humourous moments.

7. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
It depends on how you look at things. Two are real ships, one is one that SHOULD be a ship and the other two are fanon so for various reasons people can see chemistry in different ways. I think, for me, Derek and Stiles do but that's with my ‘ship goggles on. If we're going by UST it would be Allison/Isaac (although I don't know what they'd be like if she hadn't died).

8. Of all the ships, which ship has the strongest bond?
I think … the Sheriff and Melissa. They were close prior to the show, they're adults and (usually) have their raging hormones under control and they're in the midst of their kids' supernatural teenaged drama, which gives them a pretty good level of ground to meet on.

9. How many times have you read/watched 2's fandom? (Derek/Allison)
Watched? As much as the others. Read, not as much as I indicated above.

10. Which ship lasted the longest?
Stiles/Malia, I believe.

11. How many times, if ever, has 5 broken up? (Sheriff/Melissa)
Never thus far. I mean, they've never been together but that means they've never broken up!

12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 1 or 3? (Derek/Stiles or Allison/Isaac)
I think Allison and Derek are evenly matched and that Allison could even have the upper hand but I think Stiles could take Isaac because Isaac's impulsive and Stiles more sneaky/sly. I think D/S would edge out A/I.

13. Did 4 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? (Stiles/Malia)
Nope. I don't think it would even occur to Malia.

14. Is 5 still together? (Sheriff/Melissa)
Haven't gotten together at all yet.

Question 15, where did you go?

16. If all five ships were put into a couple's Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Derek/Allison, hands down.

17. Has anyone ever tried to sabotage 5's ship? (Sheriff/Melissa)
Hmm, Papa McCall kind of put a crimp in anything that could have developed thus far, I think. Especially since he's not in the know about werewolves and things (that we're aware of, anyway) but no one is purposely keeping them apart-EXCEPT FOR JEFF DAVIS.

18. Which ship(s) would you defend to the death and beyond?
None of them, really. One of the things about myself as a viewer/shipper that I dislike is that I can turn on something in a heartbeat for little to no reason.

19. Have you ever spent hours a day going through 3's tumblr page? (Allison/Isaac)
Nope. Partly because I don't feel THAT passionately about them and partly because I don't go on tumblr basically at all anymore.

20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the five ships to break up forever, which ship would you sink?
I think #3 just because Allison's dead and Isaac's gone so it doesn't matter anyway.

life: grownup job!, life: health, life: weather, fandom: memes

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