Caps: Arrow 102 "Honor Thy Father" (1305), 1280x720, LOGOLESS

Oct 17, 2012 22:21

If I didn't know better I'd say this week is the one right after the full moon because there have been some motherfucking CRAZIES up in here. Seriously, had a woman tell me today how her husband bled out during surgery and died while they were trying to repair his bypass or some shit while doing his memoriam. Like, thanks for sharing, sorry this is a hard time but DUDE. And I'm the one that ISN'T creeped out by weird stuff!

My mom lost her job on Friday. She was still on probation at her new place and the boss said her work was excellent but she doesn't know the area (true) and the workers didn't like the way she scheduled things. It was kind of for the best anyway because she's been looking for a different job (this one paid well, but that was about it. The work was literally shit--it was a septic company) because she was overwhelmed by all the tasks and they smoked like chimneys there and such. It sucks to be let go from any job but it's not a big loss because she wasn't happy there anyway.

So things are a little weird right now, especially with the holidays coming up, but at least it's not as bad as it could be and she's already taken steps to get her foot in the door somewhere else. She wants to find a job that's suited for HER now, which I get, but if it takes too long it's like- dude, take what you can, you know? I'm not worried yet, anyway.

In other news I'm getting ready for Halloween (my department is going as iconic Disney characters and I'm Cruella Deville), getting excited for our company Christmas party that I will have a date for (a friend, but a guy friend!) and my hair did this really cool gradient thing after I smushed red over the blue I had. I'm going to have to bleach the shit out of it for my costume so I'm just doing whatever I want to it right now, LOL.

That's about it for me right now. I'm tired a lot and I'm watching TV and getting ready for a couple weeks from now when I start back at my PT job (only for a couple months but I'm going back again!) and trying to slow time down with my mind because HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS IT IS THE 18TH OF OCTOBER TOMORROW THE FUCK?!

[Honor Thy Father]

I think I liked this better than the pilot in terms of... story?

LOL, seriously. While I was first watching the episode I was content but then when I was looking through the caps while sorting them I had thoughts about how xxxx wasn't as good or xxx was actually kinda lame or whatever.

I think the first thing that bugged me was Thea's speech to Oliver after she discovered his scars. It wasn't the speech itself but how quick it's been presented. The dude JUST CAME BACK A WEEK AGO FROM BEING STRANDED ON A DESERTED ISLAND AND IS SCARRED ON LIKE- 20% OF HIS BODY AND SHIT MOTHERFUCKING WENT DOWN! Maybe he can, I dunno, have a couple days, maybe a session or two with a therapist?

I don't have a problem with Thea (blah, blah, whiny teen, blah, blah) but I have an issue with the emotional guilt trip so quick off the bat. It didn't feel genuine. I just think there could have been a better way to tie into the "Honor thy father" theme without resorting to emotional blackmail.

A lot of the character interaction was forced in this ep, especially between Oliver and Laurel and Laurel and her father. Also Katie's delivery of Laurel's opening remarks in that trial was HORRIBLE. It was so over dramatic and like- movie of the week. I get that this is a super hero show and so the morals are supposed to be clear(ish) and good is good and wrong is wrong (except when it comes to the tortured hero, of course) but holy crap. I cringed a bit.

Katie looked good in this ep, though, if a little tired.

I don't know if I was all too impressed by this introduction of Kelly Hu's villain character, either. I get that it's an intro (since her addition to the episode was pretty much nil but she's too big a guest/character to shunt off after three lines and thirty seconds on screen) but it wasn't very BIG for someone I assume is kind of a (maybe?) large character in the source material.

I also wasn't as impressed with the fight scenes in this episode. I mentioned production values after watching the pilot and it's already showing. Not that the scenes with Amell running around on the docks wasn't cool and all but the actual hand-to-hand combat scenes were a little weak.

I'm still in this because of Katie and Amell is pretty damn hot and all but after last week's episode this one felt a little like a let down. But I'm also tired right now and thinking out of my ass so I might not have it all 100% straight in my head. The show is pretty, at least, and I don't mean just the people.

* 1280x720 caps
* Uploaded to my own personal site.
* Comment and credit if taking/using.
* The biggie- NO HOTLINKING. Don't be a bastard and make me replace my sample caps with a bright and gaudy "I'm a thief, ask me how!" message.


Arrow 102 set 1 (625 caps ~ 64.8MB) // Arrow 102 set 1 (680 caps ~ 62.3MB) // gallery

jesus christ, look at that fine-ass eyebrow. also, katie's awesome hair.

caps: arrow, life: grownup job!, life: mom, tv shows: arrow, life: fall 2012

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