The state of Erin

Jul 02, 2012 21:34

I can't believe it's been more than a month since I posted something OF SUBSTANCE. It's been almost a month since I've posted, period. I cannot stress enough how quickly time is moving in my life. It just keeps getting faster and it's blowing my mind.

It's not T-minus 14 days to the big 3-0. And when I say it like that it comes off way more dramatic than I feel, I gotta say. I'm not anxious or worried or anything about turning 30. I don't know if I ever expected or imagined myself at a certain point when I turned 30 so I don't have anything that I've failed to accomplish. Hell, it's only been in the past couple years that I've stopped saying that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I mean, I still don't, but at least I'm at the point in my adulthood when I can just let that slide and go about my day as normal.

I don't have that itch to move on right now, but I don't think that's for a lack of want. I'm just comfortable here right now, if not content. Medicine Hat has been good for me and I think a lot of that has to do with my mom moving out here, although I know the day is coming that both of us will put our respective feet down and strike out on our own again. I love that we share the financial burden of the house and utilities because it means I get to live in a HOUSE and we have enough room and whatnot, but I do miss being able to come home and have a whole space to myself, warts and all.

But all that isn't something that's eating at me, driving me crazy. I like that. I think things will get a bit rocky in the coming weeks if my mom doesn't get a job but that's not right now and I don't want to stress over it as such. Mom was hired on for a temp position with the city chamber that turned out to be really good for her. She enjoyed the job, the people, and it kept her busy and, well, in the money. However the job she was subbing for was overhauled and so with the new description her bosses were looking for someone with specific research and graphics training, which my mom definitely doesn't have. They even told her they looked in their budget to see if they could keep her on as well but they just couldn't swing it. She does have an awesome recommendation letter from the head of the chamber, though, and that should help A LOT because, as I'm sure I've mentioned before, although MH is a city, it's still very much stuck in a small town mentality. It's hard to get a good job here without a foot in the door or help.

I'm still mulling over my thoughts on my creativity, something I brought up in my last real post from I have taken a shine to Clint/Natasha from The Avengers, I have started watching Hart of Dixie and because so many people on my flist and in general on the internet have glommed onto One Direction I have also started tentatively introducing myself to that whole *waves hand* thing (estrella30 is to blame a bit for the latter two). I also watched the first series of Sherlock on Netflix (I have discovered Netflix, oh yes, about fifty billion years late and the movie selections suck but the TV, oh, the TEEEEVEEEE!) and have Luther and Bedlam on deck since there's only one series each of those available. I have also downloaded the first season of Suburgatory which I have heard is good, am continuing to watch (and cap) Hart of Dixie and am SO EXCITED by The Newsroom (can I have it ALL right now, kthx?). I have given up on True Blood, despite my desire to watch Christopher Meloni, but even he can't drag me back into that shit show again (and I mean shit show as in wackadoodle, not necessarily that it's shitty, although it's definitely not the best show in the world and thusly why it airs in summer for trashy, hot night viewing). Finally, I'm just now coming around to the brilliance that is Bob's Burgers which isn't something totally of note because I haven't sought it out to watch, I only see it on Sundays when it airs but I'm never disappointed and does anyone else enjoy it thusly?

On the movie front I have a movie bud right now, who has just moved back to town and has no plans for a job until August at the earliest, so I have been seeing more movies than normal now! I've gone with him to The Hunger Games, The Avengers, Snow White and the Huntsman, Prometheus, 21 Jump Street and we have plans to go see Seeking a Friend for the End of the World this week, which I think looks awesome. I might see if he'll go to Savages with me, too, because although it looks trashy and weird I think I want to see it because it reminds me a bit of watching True Blood, you know?

I finally deleted my Facebook and it was awesome. I also am really loving SpringPad (I'm summer__skin) over there so if you have one, uh, follow me? I guess? I have found all sorts of lovely recipes on there and that's my main reason for enjoying it so far but also for other pretty pictures, I guess. Mostly to store things I come across on the internet and so I enjoy that. It's a more orgainzed tumblr for me.

I have been actually quite active on LJ of late, despite my quietness on my own journal. I have been participating in icon things quite a bit and have been enjoying my results. I desperately need to post some icons to my journal just to show that I have actual STUFF, but I'm still trying to work on my backlog, which for some reason I feel the need to get rid of before I post new stuff. Then it turns into old stuff. The circle of iconning life, ladies and gentlemen. I have a whole post of stuff in my "to post" folder that I just... haven't yet. And it's all been there for probably three months, of stuff that I've created over the past three years. Yeah, I don't know either.

I know I opened up to requests in my last real post and I still want to do them but I only got a couple bites so I think I'm going to post at my icon community and open them up there, then crosspost here, mmmkay?

I want to do that 100 Days blogging challenge, still, so I think I'm either going to do my Favourite things (original, I know) or celebs or something. I'll figure it out. I just have to DO it.

That's as much as I need to blather on about right now. I really want to keep more up to date with journalling, as well, so here's hoping!

life: mom, tv shows: the newsroom, life: social networking, life: summer 2012, fandom: random, movies: the avengers, icons: discussion, movies: 2012, tv shows: hart of dixie

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