I am clearly not at AS's wedding reception and I'm just as happy for it. Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and sounded and felt like ass, everyone said I looked awful and my boss sent me home as soon as I went in. I had to BEG her to let me stay for a half hour just so I could tie up some loose ends and do my payroll. I got it done, filled the prescription my doc didn't want me to fill unless I had to, went home and slept for about four hours or so.
Today I'm feeling better although I'm unbalanced again today. Mom drove us to Walmart (I usually do the driving because I like to drive, I have control issues, her car smells like cigarette smoke and I don't like her driving) and I couldn't look down while we went around curves or anything because I'd feel dizzy. Walking straight is a slight issue but less so than randomly tipping over while standing still.
So no wedding reception for me, which I'm just as happy about since, as I've mentioned, I'm less than happy with the way AS has been conducting herself and H is going to be there and blah. I feel bad about leaving AD to herself, though, because we were going to be each other's dates and get drunk and ignore the fuck out of everyone. :(
I would like to get something productive done tonight--caps or icons or something-- but then I need the internet to stop distracting me.
It would also be nice if a download for Thursday's Project Runway would show up, please and thank you.
This was stolen from
theladyoffaerie AGES ago. It's been chilling on my desktop forever so I finally did it.
1) Would you say that you are easily scared? List your fear level on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being a MAJOR scaredy cat!
Um, probably a 6 or so. It really depends on what I'm supposed to be scared of.
2) What are the three things that scare you the most?
a) Bugs
b) Being chased (even if someone is walking behind me I get freaked out)
c) Ghosts
3) Have you ever seen a ghost? And if so, were you frightened?
No, but I would LOSE MY SHIT.
4) What are the top 3 scariest movies that you have ever seen?
a) Cujo when I was 12. Srsly. It could REALLY HAPPEN.
b) The Witches of Eastwick when I was 5. I had screaming nightmares for a year. My mom? NOT IMPRESSED WITH THE BABYSITTER.
c) Not much else, really. I get a bit freaked WHILE watching a movie but I wouldn't say they're SCARY.
5) What are the top 3 scariest books that you have ever read?
a) I don't know if I've ever been scared by a book. Maybe when I was young?
6) Out of the following, which one do you think has the highest scare factor: Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolfman, The Mummy or none of them?
Are we talking the classic versions of these monsters? Cause none. And if we're talking modernized versions then... none.
7) Which one of the following acts of Nature scare you the most: Tornados, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Lightning Storms, Blizzards...?
I've been in blizzards, lightning and the tail ends of hurricanes and none of them scare me. They're just annoying. Maybe an earthquake? I don't know. Until it happens and I see what happens as a result of it I can't say I'm SCARED of them.
8) Lots Of Gore - or - Subtle, Psychological Scares? Which is the *bigger* scare for you?
Psycholoical for sure. With gore you can just look away.
9) What do you think is the scariest way to die is?
Probably any way that you KNEW you were going to die. Like, getting shot or attacked out of the blue in one thing but take Buried for instance where Ryan Renyold's character was buried in a coffin in the middle east desert with a phone and a lighter. Not only are you trapped with no way out but it's a confined space, you don't know where you are, you have limited light but enough that you can SEE your situation and you have no idea if the people you're calling can actually find you. THAT'S scary.
10) Would you ever spend the entire night - by yourself - in a house that was reported to be "authentically" haunted?
Nope. Not even a little. My mind would get the best of me.
11) Do you get scared when you visit staged Haunted Houses - that you pay admission for?
I don't think I've ever been in one before. Deprived childhood, I know.
12) Do you *enjoy* getting the boo-boo-gee-bees scared out of you?
Um, it depends. If I go into a situation willingly (like a scary movie or a haunted house) it's one thing. I'm expecting it. But if I'm walking alone at night and someone thinks it's a great idea to chase me wearing a ski mask I'd probably piss myself, so no.
13) Which scares you more: a really scary book - or - a really scary movie?
14) Does the thought of aliens scare you? Have you ever had a close encounter?
No. If they came for me, took me to space and set me loose in my own tiny pod or something, alone, to float out there until I died THEN I'd be scared. In general, not so much.
15) Are you afraid of bugs? If so, what is the bug that absolutely creeps you out the most?
Fuck yes. I don't care if it's a june bug, a hornet, a spider, a maple bug, an earwig---fuck the hell off with you. ALL of them creep me out.
16) If you had a choice, and you HAD to pick one of the following; would you rather be: a) Eaten alive, b) Burned alive or c) Buried alive?
Probably buried alive. And yes, I know I just had that explanation about how it would be totally terrifying above.
17) What is the grossest, scariest thing you have ever eaten (or drank)?
Hmm, probably something that's turned a bit but nothing so traumatic that I remember it.
18) Have you ever visited a graveyard at night? And if so, have you ever laid down upon one of the graves?
No, not even a little.
19) Do Ouija boards scare you?
They can. I would never use one by myself at this point of my life.
20) Abandoned Haunted House - or - Abandoned Insane Asylum... which one is scarier?
21) Do you enjoy scaring others?
I'll stand behind a corner and jump out at someone but that's about the extent of my scaring people.
22) What is the best scary prank you have pulled on someone?
See my answer above.
23) Have you ever seen an actual dead body; firsthand - and not including at funerals?
Yes. I was in the ICU right after my Nana passed away.
24) Is there any music that creeps you out? If so, what is it?
When coupled with a movie I can get creeped out by the music.
25) Is there any piece of art that creeps you out? If so, what is it?
I don't think so.
26) What creature do you think is the scariest of all? (No make-believe creatures please).
Bugs? I don't really know.
27) Do you think that you could ever stand by and watch a mortician prepare a body for burial without getting scared, creeped out or physically sick?
I'd be down for it. I am actually pretty intrigued by that sort of thing, although I'd be insanely respectful of the person and their remaining spirit. I totally don't want to piss anyone off, especially after they've died.
28) Do you have many nightmares? If so, what would you say is your worst one?
Not often. I've had a couple nightmares about being chased by zombies.
29) Do dolls, puppets or clowns scare you?
Not a whole lot. I understand why people ARE scared of them but for the most part any fear I have of them are related to a specific moment but in general, no.
30) And finally.... what is the best scary story of something that has happened to you?
When I was in daycare but abot 9 or so the people who looked after us told us ghost stories. They told us one about an urban ledgend from the Miramichi called the Dungarvon Whooper.
"The story revolves around a cook named Ryan, who moved to a camp along the river with all his possessions, including a money belt. He was murdered by his boss for his money, and buried by the rest of the party that night. However, a loud yelling and whooping sound kept the group from falling asleep that night. Scared, they left the camp the next morning. A priest then tried to quiet the whooper down, but it is debated whether he was successful." (from wiki)
However the way I heard it was that Ryan came back to get revenge and ended up massacring the camp to get his money and that witnesses (maybe not all the people were killed? I don't know, I heard this 20 years ago) say he looked like some kind of creature, which I now liken to the
So this story stayed with me for MONTHS. I was piss-in-my-pants scared of it and at night I would read Tintin books to make myself feel safe.
One weekend morning, though, I was laying in bed and NOT ASLEEP when I heard a horrible scream. I still remember that very feeling I had when I heard that and wondering what the fuck it was. But it was a sunny morning and there was no way the Whooper had travelled so far to see me and that was that.
The end.