
Mar 02, 2011 23:01

Got my taxes done today. I didn't have to pay in and I still got back a good sum of money but the past couple years have spoiled me so it wasn't as much as I was anticipating. Still not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought some much needed bras, a pair of $11 sparkly shoes and filled my gas tank. The rest I'll divide between student loan and my credit card.

I'm still constantly mulling over the friend issue. I AM upset but, I don't know. I just didn't want to end things so poorly but I can't make her NOT angry so whatever. That I'm not heartbroken says a lot. She knew this wouldn't end well when she sent the note. She had to have. But life goes on, the world continues to revolve and I have a pair of sparkly fucking shoes.

I kind of want to do something creative so I'd like to do maybe a fanmix thing.

Comment here with a pairing or character from a show we're both into and I'll do my best to make a mini fanmix for them. If I get really creative maybe I'll make some graphics for them, too! Maybe.

Valid shows/fandoms:
Sons of Anarchy
Doctor Who
Maybe Community? But probably characters only, no pairings. Better have a second suggestion on this one.
Something else? Give me a go if you think I'm into it, I can't remember if there's more fandoms I like.

I also want to do this lurker meme that's popped up a couple times today on my flist:

Today has been declared lurker amnesty day! Have you read me but never commented? Do you surf by occasionally? Here for the fic? Say hello! You are under no obligation to ever comment or delurk again, but here's a chance to do so in a post just for that.

I also posted icons!

20 x Elena Gilbert icons for cw20in20
11 x Elena Gilbert alternates & other icons
09 x Doctor Who
05 x Misc
04 x Being Human UK
04 x Chloe Mortez
03 x White Collar
02 x Ian Somerhalder
02 x Rachel McAdams

See all 59 here at morbid_girls.

icons: multifandom, life: pictures, life: friends, fandom: fanmix

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