Caps: The Vampire Diaries 216 (1132), 1280x720, review & picspam

Feb 24, 2011 21:18

Man, I have to find a new way to wake up in the mornings. Today was the third goddamn day in the past couple of months that I've slept through my alarms. And yes, that's alarmS, plural. I have my alarm clock and a secondary alarm on my phone. I guess I'll have to go to a third alarm as well.

Not much else has been happening the past couple of days. Work has eased a LITTLE but we're still behind in our sales. We were given a couple extra days but I think everyone's will is gone.

Damn, I want Jenna to know what's going on! I doubt it would make her any less killable but I want her to know the truth and then maybe she and Ric can have a shot at things together. Although now that Isobel has shown up I don't think anything's going to matter too much between them. :(

I knew two people would be killed going into this ep but I didn't know her. Since it was LUka and his dad I don't care. It might have been cool to see the dad die and Luka go crazy instead but I don't think he had the fight in him, even if he thought his dad was wronged and killed injustly.

As I was watching I thought one of the dead people would be Matt, which is what the writers were clearly trying to set up for us to assume, but then once Caroline was by his side I thought he was ultimately going to end up as a vampire. If that happened I would imagine he would be so consumed with guilt or something that he'd've offed himself so in a way he would be one of the dead people. But no, that didn't happen.

I know it's been said before and will be said again but I have to gush about Nina's Elena/Katherine roles. It's amazing how well she can play both characters and it's so easy to tell them apart when Katherine's not acting like Elena.

It'll be quite interesting to see what unfolds after the hiatus. Hiatus :(

* 1280x720 caps
* Uploaded to my own personal site.
* Comment and credit if taking/using.
* The biggie- NO HOTLINKING. Don't be a bastard and make me replace my sample caps with a bright and gaudy "I'm a thief, ask me how!" message.


TVD 216 set 1 (283 caps ~ 17.4MB) // TVD 216 set 2 (283 caps ~ 18.1MB) // TVD 215 set 3 (283 caps ~ 15.3MB) // TVD 216 set 4 (283 caps ~ 15.4MB) // gallery

I'm still pretty "meh" about this relationship.

I'm actually okay with product placement. The examples on TVD are the most subtle but whatever, it's not going to make me buy the stuff they feature.

LIKE THIS. FUCK OFF CW! I don't want your shitty ipad contests across my fucking episodes!

Candice has an okay voice but I found this scene almost squicky cheesy. I just hope they never put Kat Graham on the stage on the show, honestly.

GUess she's gotta take it where she can, eh?

Ohhhhh shit, yo.

caps: the vampire diaries, tv shows: the vampire diaries

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