Caps: Primeval 402 (838), 1280x720, review & picspam

Jan 02, 2011 20:27

I have been useless today. pipry23 came over yesterday and we had a great evening/night, watching Misfits and then talking FOREVER, until 5:30am, which I haven't done in AGES so it was wonderful. We slept for a little bit but I definitely had to take a nap this afternoon, after breakfast with the family. So now I feel all kinda gross and groggy. I might go to bed after I post these caps just so I can get enough sleep for tomorrow.

My talk with pipry23 was awesome, as I mentioned, and it was nice to just hang out and talk, especially so freely. Anyone who's been following what's been going on with me knows things with friends and my general mental state hasn't been good so just to get all that out in the open and feel validated and that I'm not alone was wonderful. I can't speak for pipry23 but I think it was theraputic for both of us. Now I just have to take the info and things I discovered and revealed and decide how I want to apply all that to my life and friendships.

It's a dog shirt but it only cost $5 and there were no cat outfits to be had. So this had to be it.

Hmm, still nto sure what to think. The show has a different feel now, perhaps because of the shift in locations, or the new ARC or the new characters, I don't know. It doesn't seem to have the same spunk it did before.

I don't mind Jess, I guess, although I stand by my statement from yesterday that she's twee and I'm not into that sort of character. I liked those phones she had set up in her apartment, though, but without the letters of her name spelled out.

Don't know what to think about Matt. I guess it'll all come out eventually, what he's up to.

* 1280x720 caps
* Uploaded to my own personal site.
* Comment and credit if taking/using.
* The biggie- NO HOTLINKING. Don't be a bastard and make me replace my sample caps with a bright and gaudy "I'm a thief, ask me how!" message.


Primeval 402 set 1 (419 caps ~ 30.2MB) // Primeval 402 set 2 (419 caps ~ 35.0MB) // gallery

life: grace, caps: primeval, tv shows: primeval, life: friends

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