Caps: Primeval 401 (1085), 1280x720, review & picspam

Jan 01, 2011 16:29

Not even 24 hours into the New Year it's already my family: 0, death: 1. I have a cousin named Dawn who was married to a man named John (yeah, there's also a Dan and Jan and my grandfather was Ernie who had a brother-in-law named Burt). John has had extensive heart trouble for a few years and only partial use of it, even. He's had a lot of angina attacks, I guess, and today he had a heart attack while transporting a load of lumber and passed away. That's all I know right now. Don't know if anyone else was involved or if anyone else was hurt, hopefully not. It's sad but not unexpected, I guess. Just sucks that it had to be today, although it's good that he got one more holiday with family. These were the people my mom went to spend Christmas with this year so I know she's a bit upset.

I knew them but we weren't close. They used to visit a few times a year when my grandparents were still alive (and, in fact, my grandfather passed away 10 years ago today, as well. Jesus) and when I was younger and Dawn was with another man (who was a PRICK) she used to be around a couple times a month with her kids (my .... second cousins once removed? Third cousins? Who cares) so I know her but not well enough now to go to the funeral.

So now I'm going to get ready and hang out with pipry23 before she has to go back to Vancouver.

Oh my, not even sure what to say about this. I'm glad the show is back but I'm going to wait to see how things are going to lay out. Obviously Alexander Siddig is a bad guy. I don't know about the new team leader, though, whatever his name is. I don't mind Jess but I don't know if she'll be a favourite character. I can see other people really like her because she's a bit twee and cute but I don't get the attraction to those characters often.

I hope Abby and Connor aren't kept off the team for long. Once Connor says he's going to keep doing what he's doing with or without the ARC they'll have to take him back, I expect, because he's too dangerous on his own.

I'll have a better idea of what I think after the next episode tomorrow.

* 1280x720 caps
* Uploaded to my own personal site.
* Comment and credit if taking/using.
* The biggie- NO HOTLINKING. Don't be a bastard and make me replace my sample caps with a bright and gaudy "I'm a thief, ask me how!" message.


Primeval 401 set 1 (217 caps ~ 19.0MB) // Primeval 401 set 2 (217 caps ~ 19.2MB) // Primeval 401 set 3 (217 caps ~ 21.7MB) // Primeval 401 set 4 (217 caps ~ 18.0MB) // Primeval 401 set 5 (217 caps ~ 18.0MB) // gallery

caps: primeval, tv shows: primeval, life: family, life: 2011

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