Is 'Joe the Plumber' a plumber? That's debatable HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber's story sprang a few leaks Thursday. Turns out that the man who was held up by John McCain as the typical, hard-working American taxpayer isn't really a licensed plumber. And court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.
It's late and the tylenol pm is kicking in so if my words are ... weird, and my punctuation sucks.. or uh.. if I stop my thought process in the middle of a sentence... or if I start to ramble..
I must admit that if it weren't for handouts from government programs I would not be where I am today, it's been a long journey but I feel like I'm pretty successful right now, had a good job, saved money and quit, going to school, about to finish school. Anyway, the point is, I support what's helped me be successful in the past.
I'm glad there are gov't programs set up to help people when they need it, but my big problem is sometimes people abuse the system when they DON'T need it. It kinda screws the people who NEED help, weather it's finances, programs, etc... When there are so many "leeches" in the system getting money they don't NEED that leaves less to use to help OTHERS. They should really do a lot more, because if managed properly things like that would end being more beneficial.
You make great points, too. I love open minded people when it comes to this kind of thing. I think the best way to SEE the other side's point of view is to talk to someone ON that side, rather than from various media sites. I see what you're saying about the tax breaks and percentages, but you also have to keep in mind the media's dirty little secret: approx 70% of the people in this country even have to PAY income taxes.
You know John McCain is way sexier than Obama. ;) (ack ack ack)
I must see this porno. O_O
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