Is 'Joe the Plumber' a plumber? That's debatable HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber's story sprang a few leaks Thursday. Turns out that the man who was held up by John McCain as the typical, hard-working American taxpayer isn't really a licensed plumber. And court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.
"His hard work paid off." EXACTLY! His hard work paid off. If you're successful I find it hard to believe that an individual is deserving of a punishment. Sean's company is only a year old so far, but it's starting to really take off. He's going to hire people who have a good eye, good reputation, and experience. People who's standards are as high as his, because his reputation in town is VERY respectable. He's also going to pay people what they deserve to be paid. Painting is a cosmetic thing, so anything less than 100% (in appearance AND work) isn't an option. He's very selfless with his money, too. He's paid my sister's car payment when she couldn't make it, we tip waitresses/waiters/other people that work for tips VERY VERY well. We donate. He sends money to his favourite church (which isn't even located in GEORGIA, but has a daily 'bible-cast' on tv that he never misses o_o). We're far from WEALTHY, don't get me wrong. We don't roll around town throwing handfulls of money out the window. We're very frugal about our personal spending, but we believe in sharing the 'wealth'. As in, we decide where our money goes, who gets how much, and who needs it. We don't think the government needs to step in and tell us how much we need to give and who it's going to.
The current tax system isn't that great, let me start with that. I like the idea of the fair tax, personally. But there are so many factors involved with the current tax system that you could get lost for hours trying to figure it out. They tax you based on income, welfare is in there sometimes, social security, they tax the things you eat, drink, the things you purchase. Also, people fit into different categories, they even write off things you donate and, well, you see where this is going - EVERYWHERE! I can't even begin to sort it out.
Everyone has their individual family situations. Some people ARE the waiter down the street, some people are the ones struggling to put themselves through school, keep a roof over their heads, and sometimes feed children. I mean, everyone's personal situation is different.
I had to go to school AND pay my bills on a Wendy's crew member salary. That wasn't an easy thing. I didn't realize at the time that those damned books would end up costing me more than freaking tuition. What in the world is that? Anyways, I haven't been back to school SINCE we moved down here. There aren't any ones that have the courses I want to take, plus I've been between jobs and recently started painting with Sean because he's been that busy. I guess that's making up excuses, but I also know I can't really afford it. Neither of US have health insurance, so I feel your pain as far as that goes, and Sean just had about 6K in dental work done that had to be put on his card. I've wrecked TWO cars, and have been screwed by insurance both times, and I still have car payments. :-\ . All of those are just a FEW of the reasons I want to join the military. The benefits are killer. However, since I got my GED I need more college. Which brings me back to my college problem... and lack of $$ for it. BUT, I don't by ANY means expect for someone else to pay or even be inconvenienced by ANY of those things, because for one reason or another they're my fault and my responsibility as an individual, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen, because I know once I conquer these barriers, My quality of life will be MUCH better. Hard work will pay off.
Haha. I love me some politics. :)
I know you and Sean are good people who share the wealth on your own, and that's so wonderful and I wish there were more people like you, and that's why I respect the way that you feel. In the part of town I live in, there are way too many rude people who don't treat my boyfriend with the dignity and respect I know he deserves because he's an excellent, hard working server and I know could be doing a lot better for himself. Obviously when good people are his customers they tip him well, unfortunately around here good customers are hard to come by.
Plus, as I totally your respect not to take government handouts, I must admit that if it weren't for handouts from government programs I would not be where I am today, it's been a long journey but I feel like I'm pretty successful right now, had a good job, saved money and quit, going to school, about to finish school. Anyway, the point is, I support what's helped me be successful in the past. That's what I like about socialism, helping people who otherwise would be completely helpless due to circumstances beyond their control. That's why socialist European nations are so appealing to me right now. Also College is free!
It's late and the tylenol pm is kicking in so if my words are ... weird, and my punctuation sucks.. or uh.. if I stop my thought process in the middle of a sentence... or if I start to ramble..
I must admit that if it weren't for handouts from government programs I would not be where I am today, it's been a long journey but I feel like I'm pretty successful right now, had a good job, saved money and quit, going to school, about to finish school. Anyway, the point is, I support what's helped me be successful in the past.
I'm glad there are gov't programs set up to help people when they need it, but my big problem is sometimes people abuse the system when they DON'T need it. It kinda screws the people who NEED help, weather it's finances, programs, etc... When there are so many "leeches" in the system getting money they don't NEED that leaves less to use to help OTHERS. They should really do a lot more, because if managed properly things like that would end being more beneficial.
I understand to an extent from helping this man pay his bills how expensive it is to run a business. I would like to imagine that if while my friend was starting out his business, and he received better tax breaks than businesses who were already more successful, that he could have achieved his success even sooner.
I don't like the idea of punishing people for their success, but right now the problem is we have a ten trillion dollar debt and growing because the government already stepped in and simply told us where our money went. We're already going to have to pay for it whether we like it or not. If in the meantime, I feel like a President is going to lead us in the direction where people with higher incomes are going to pay more taxes than people with lower incomes, I'm going to support that, and that's what it comes down to for me. Obama's plan gives tax breaks to 95% of small businesses, only 5% would be affected by an increase. I think that's more than a fair amount, if it were me I'd be way more harsh! But I'm a bleeding heart socialist so of course I feel that way. I know you think it's hot ;)
You make great points, too. I love open minded people when it comes to this kind of thing. I think the best way to SEE the other side's point of view is to talk to someone ON that side, rather than from various media sites. I see what you're saying about the tax breaks and percentages, but you also have to keep in mind the media's dirty little secret: approx 70% of the people in this country even have to PAY income taxes.
You know John McCain is way sexier than Obama. ;) (ack ack ack)
I must see this porno. O_O
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