... I have a setback, as I was making dinner last night I had an unfortunate incident with a Hatch chili pepper.
So the other week I stopped by my local upscale, froo froo grocery store to pick up a specialty bulk item, medium grind bulghur wheat, and noticed they had their annual Hatch chili pepper celebration. My husband was making salsa so I picked up a few hot and a few mild ones. The hot ones were great in the salsa, it even got better the next day. They added a lot of depth & flavor with not too much spice. The mild ones I sauteed with onions and used it as an omelet filling. They were delicious, better than green bell pepper (which I don't like), and not spicy so to me, they were more like a green bell pepper. We liked them so much I went back on Sunday to get more, then last night happened.
Last night, I cut up some mild peppers to cook for dinner into 1/4 inch strips. So I started cooking and decided to eat a piece because I hadn't tasted them raw. I was thinking bell pepper but what I got was jalapeno! I bit into it and didn't even get all the way through before I spit it out! It was that spicy! It was burning on the tip of my tongue, inside my lip, outside my lip and above it! I started with water, progressed to milk and then sour cream! I even looked on the web but all the recommended was basically milk and alcohol. The milk took away the burn on my tongue but now it feels burnt.
The outside of my mouth wouldn't stop burning & I think I spread it too. I was desperate to make it stop burning and when the sour cream only brought relief but didn't diminish it I looked around and saw the bottle of aloe vera for sunburns. I'm thinking at this point, it works on sunburn and comes from the same region of the world that gave us chili peppers in the first place so it might work. Sure enough, after about 4 applications & then carefully wiping it off so it wouldn't spread, it stopped burning, finally. Then the cuticles on two of my fingers wouldn't stop. The aloe didn't work and I think in the end I rubbed them raw from washing them so much, all of my fingers were burning by the time my husband came home. It was painful, I was in tears, it had been 2 hours already! Nothing he could find helped but cold eased it so he knocked me out with some Advil PM and an icepack so I could sleep it off. The burning will stop eventually and it did. I only became halfway conscience & in pain at one point but the sleeping pills kept me from stirring & took me back under quickly.
So there went my evening and my morning, any type of sleeping pill knocks me out for about 12 hours. I'm just glad it seems to be over & I'm not touching those things without gloves again, or eating them raw!