Oct 14, 2007 15:58
WOW II was wow!!!!
the event was wonderfull, I like being a camp mom. friday most every onein windmasters showed up between 30 min after dark and 12 pm so we got camp set up kinda hap hazardly, but it worked, since right after dark there wasa lot of I'm lost and looking for " fill in the blank " camp I was trying to leave a path through our camp for people to drive around and find there camps. I Hope next year they plan the camping with a buffer zone at the end for people to drive around the camping area, and hopefully next year they will not be the ally ways for doom for camps. but any way, the event was wonderfull, friday night was a lot of wondering around having fun... I was up way to late around the fire, hidden mtn rocked with the secuond fire pit of doom, saturday morning was up and at it early I thought getting up wiht the sun I would have a few minutes to get hot beverages out before every one started rolling out of the tents but the harelds had another plan and were calling the camps at 7 am wiht what was starting at 8 am... way too early but oh well got every on fed then rean in to G &G and nickoli and lucas on the feild as I was running to the flushies I goofed up with meals I need to next time have pastries but that was a little thing.
got some time to walk around and see the cool stuff, I need to get out to more glass things in the kingdom , never did get to the A&S tent but oh well. Ran in to Vlad which is still making me squee since last I heard 6 years ago he was never coming any were near the SCA again. and well some time I want to just go and hang out with him, since he is well in the state. for the person who I relate to as the person who first told me about the SCA years ago then I found it. he is one of those people that I have so many cool perifory memories of as a young college kid. and wow he looks great. just one of those unexpected very cool things.
got the fire going about noon, and started dinner, Natalie ROCKS for her secound event she seam to havea blast help me cook ont he fire, about half way through court there were people starting to show up in camp to eat. so we ate. I think dinner feeed the 45 we were planning to plus anouther 25 or so... I need to hunt people down with refunds, since it seamed everyone was handin me a 20 all day. and some people never came by and ate. though there was plenty we threw away a very little venision and about 10 Potatoes and 6 bowls of soup. I think every one liked it and I had fun... notes on dinner more carbs ( I think there is a theme to the SCA that I just don't get about carbs), more smore stuff, redo the soup if possible.
walked around a little with amy but really did not get in to much I was more tired than I thought, went and hun out by the forge for a little bit, came back up to camp planning on heading out and wondering a little more after puting on the comfy tunic, and promptly fell almost a sleep next to the fire.
sunday morning xav ran the food, with galen doign the coffee all I had to do was mix the pancakes that rocked. I was starting to feel how exhausted I really was, pack down went great. lots of help, only big ughs of sunday was losing my keys on the top of my car un packed the car before gunther saw them... and well I had an panic attack about my keys. and losing erica. everyone had left camp except us and there wasa big pile of ericas stuff in the middle of camp and no erica. found her and her ride after a little bit and ran home to unpack.. one car down one to go.
war of the wings