Jan 22, 2009 11:50
Now I remember the other joy of moving - trying to find things while still unpacking. Of course, this comes on top of the other necessary winter home improvements (finding drafts and fixing them, snow / ice removal, etc). Two of the bigger problem points are currently snow (packed down a bit during the move) and ice (like so many other houses I've seen, my gutters are currently home to rather large icicles, having overflowed a while ago).
Of course, I'd like to get the necessary pipes run for the washer / dryer, but it's not completely vital at this point since we have options on that (and I don't even have the dryer yet). Just so many projects that are demanding attention, but only so many hours in the day (I'm really considering taking a day or two in the near future to try to make some serious headway with things).
But on the plus side, things are progressing - rooms are slowly starting to look more like a lived-in residence than random scattering of stuff. I've been working on keeping more of the heat in rather than letting it out into the frigid world. Last night, we got the bedroom pretty much unpacked and arranged (finding out that the cable in that room apparently doesn't work). And I got the network mostly fixed - the cabling is good enough to run, but not completely wired *right* (some of the wire pairs aren't right - but they're the same not right on both ends, so it works), and the main computers are up and running again.
So yeah, that's pretty much where all my free time has gone - outside of the chiropractor and getting odds and ends supplies.
home improvement,