Feb 11, 2005 16:10
wow, i could not be happier right now that it's friday. this week has absolutely SUCKED for me, up until last night actually which should have been the worst part of it but for whatever reason i was on the biggest natural high EVER. anyhow, tonight it bri's b'day party at the house, and i couldn't be more excited and ready for it!!! i don't have anything important due next week, then again i have 3 projects due the following week, but who gives a shit cuz after that it's spring break!!! i'm SO pumped. shant, tom, stephan, adam, and lindsay are ALL coming tonight, and i couldn't be happier :) they're like my new family in a way, it's great. tom and i especially have become incredibly close, and he's such a wonderful guy. the only negative side (as shant would say, i ALWAYS find the negative in everything!!! lol) is that no matter how tight i get with these people (except adam, since i've known and been friends with him for years), they will always be "my boyfriend's friends," in the sense that, if shant and i do break up (IF, lol, not WHEN), it's only right that their loyalties lie with him. maybe i'm only thinking about it because it was a HUGE HUGE HUGE issues with my last boyfriend (steve). i became SO incredibly tight with some of the DKE guys, and actually as horrible of a person as this makes me seem like, one of the reasons i stayed with steve as long as i did (well it was only a month but you know, that's long for me!!!) is because i was having so much fun hanging out with his friends, and i didn't want to lose them. i even went so far as to try to get especially close to a few of them right before i broke up with steve, so that they'd stay my friends. it didn't work, it all went to hell, and actually i'm totally fine with it, but i did definitely put forth that solid effort. i know it happens all the time, you become friends with your boyfriend's friends, you break up, and they're not your friends anymore, and you get over it, but when you're still friends with the people it's hard to imagine NOT being friends with them. anyhow, i don't know why i'm talking like we're breaking up, and i don't like it, so i'm going to stop.
one thing that does bother me though, is a certain bi-polarness that shant demonstrates in a specific behavior of his. ok so i use the word "bipolar" to describe EVERYTHING and EVERYONE lol, but in this case it pretty much applies. one minute he's telling me i'm the most beautiful girl ever and he'll never be able to get with another girl after me because he would always be comparing her, and the next minute he's commenting on some passing chick's ass. ok. also, he tells me i'm his life and he'd drive up to ann arbor every single night and back every single morning if i asked him to, and then this weekend when i've been telling him that i have absolutely NOTHING to do because all my big stuff was due this past week and he's already going to be here tonight for the party, for some reason he's planning on leaving tomorrow morning and spending the night at MSU. which freaked me out for another reason too, because tom didn't even know he was going, so i assumed it was to see patricia, which he says it's not, and i believe him, but then it's like ok so why are you so dead set on going when it makes 110% of sense that you should just stay here!?! i don't get it... and it's stuff like that that makes me almost roll my eyes when he says such nice/wonderful things to me, because i'm just waiting for some girl to pass by and him to notice her. i'd rather he just didn't do EITHER of those things, and was just NORMAL... but anyway...
i really am so excited for tonight i don't want to think about anything else. not only are all those people coming, but mandy's staying over, jen will probably make an appearance, wicker and chalmers are coming with their gf's, jeff's gonna OF COURSE be there since he like RULED our last party lol, and this guy sean from one of my english classes who i've been spending a bit of time with said he'd come and bring friends. and OF COURSE since tom's 21 (which i will be in like 3 months OMG!!!!!), when he gets here we're going STRAIGHT to village corner for a few handles for my room :) SO excited, we're going to have a private party in my room, VIP list, invite only ;) hehehe. ANYHOW, now it's time to take a shower, look over my GRE book (i have to get up early tomorrow morning to take a practice GRE, and i'm NOT looking forward to it!), and just VEG OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A WHILE!!!!! :)