Celebrating the semi-pro zines:

Nov 13, 2010 11:08

So, this week's flame war focused on semi-pro zines. Sigh. Without any tedious revamping of the various arguments here, I'd like to mention some semi-pro zines that I think are WELL worth checking out.

Disclaimer: Some of these have published me, some are still failing to recognize my genius, but all are worth your time and financial support. Note that this list is by NO MEANS exhaustive or complete; getting left off the list is not a comment on the zine's quality, but rather a strong comment on how much my memory sucks these days. I am POSITIVE that I am missing several semi-pro zines that are also equally worth your time. Please feel free to make additional recommendations in the comments).

Ideomancer: This is, simply put, a beautiful zine, in design and words, with a mix of short fiction and poetry. I admit to having a slight prejudice in their favor for their love of retold fairy tales, but they have a nice mix of other things too. (Free, online)

Three Lobed Burning Eye. If I have one criticism of this zine, it's that it apparently went on hiatus for awhile - apparently the editorial staff have this amazing thing called a "real life." (As speculative fiction writers/editors, I really think we should have more ability to ignore that kind of thing.) They are definitely back. Note for those supposedly worried that too many zines feature the gaze of the western male: this particular issue contains Shweta Narayan's powerful story with, and I quote, "Kali and the Backup Smurfs." Quite frankly that right there is why this is a zine (and an author) that you should be checking out. (While I'm at it, allow me to mention my extreme jealousy that Shweta Narayan thought of that concept first.) (Free, online)

Shimmer is another beautiful zine (and LOOK, LOOK, LOOK, they are publishing an OZ STORY in their next issue ok I will calm down now) that focuses on rich stories dripping with beautiful prose: you can get an idea here. (Print; pay, easily available through online ordering.)

Abyss and Apex. For some reason I had mentally placed this one in the pro zine category, but editor Wendy Dalmater informs me that I am wrong. Here's why I thought it was pro: fully seven years of outstanding science fiction and fantasy, appearing quarterly. What I like about this zine is that mix - you never know what you're going to get in each issue. Lots of excellent stuff here, but this story in particular always cracks me up.
(Free, online)

Electric Velocipede has won lots and lots of awards (Hugo, World Fantasy) and the awed voices of, "Wow, did you see that in Electric Velocipede?" (Pay, print only.)

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly: Strongly influenced by the old pulps, but I think in this case in a really good way. Good escapist fiction. (Free, online.)

Hub Fiction is available in pdf or epub format so you (or, um, I) can quickly download it on an ereader. Or you can read it on your screen, whichever. Consistently good short fiction. (Free, online)

Cabinet des Fees. Ok, so, yes, I'm slightly obsessed with fairy tales, but, see, so is this site, which is why you should all go and check it out. (Free, online)

GUD (Greatest Uncommon Denominator) is a bargain at the price, given the sheer length of its issues and the stuff inside. (Pay, Edit: print/pdf)

Sybil's Garage needs to publish more frequently. Pay particular attention to all of the creepy and intriguing little things going on in the margains. (Pay, print, not frequent enough.)

I feel so associated with Innsmouth Free Press and Everyday Weirdness that it feels a little strange and self-serving to mention them in this list, but, if you are a Cthulhu person…er, you know what I mean, Innsmouth is well worth checking out, and if you just like a taste of flash fiction, Everyday Weirdness is well worth checking out.


Ideomancer and Abyss and Apex both publish poetry on a regular basis, as does New Myths (for some reason this site isn't working properly for me through Chrome and I can't remember what else is there.) Some publications, however, have made the excellent decision to concentrate solely on poetry:

Goblin Fruit (online)

Stone Telling (online)

Mythic Delirium (print with snippets available online.)


In addition, of course, I urge you to check out the pro zines of Fantasy Magazine, Clarkesworld Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Tor.com, Strange Horizons, Apex Magazine and Subterranean Magazine, which never fail to deliver amazing stuff.

Part of why I write short speculative fiction is that it utterly thrills me to get to be a part (however small a part) of the current wealth and rush of short fiction. (Not enough poetry yet (in my biased opinion) but I hope we're working on this.) Like any writer, I do wish it could be better funded, but this is a marvelous time to be a reader.
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