Baking, on TV and at home

Oct 24, 2021 07:47

Giuseppe won German week! Go for it, you Italian silver fox, you! He's totally my favorite, but I'm also rooting for Lizzie to at least get to the final. For all her dithery persona, she seems to be paying attention to the judges' comments and improving as she goes along. Hopefully she can make it through Pastry Week.

Watching GBBO always puts me in the mood to try and bake something tricky and/or new to me. This weekend I decided to have a go at a cake roll, which I've never done before. It being fall, I decided pumpkin roll is the way to go. I used the Preppy Kitchen recipe, but replaced half the powdered sugar in the frosting with caramel sauce, since I had a small jar sitting around waiting to be used up. I ended up with a bit more frosting than I needed to fill the cake, so I spread the rest on top. Then I sprinkled on some crystallized ginger and also made caramel decorations, because I'm a firm believer in gilding the lily when it comes to desserts. It's very tasty, if I say so myself, and I think the ginger goes really well. Next time I'm going to mix some into the frosting before filling the cake. I actually meant to do it this time, but I forgot. Anyway, have some photos.

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baking, gbbo

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