Dear Yuletide author

Oct 22, 2021 10:20

First of all, thank you so much for writing me a story! Whichever of my requested fandoms you choose, rest assured that I love them all. My sign up has some prompts you can use, but really, feel free to go with whatever inspires you.

My likes: Action, adventure, happy endings, casefic, slice-of-life stories, established relationship stories, humor, banter, fluff, hurt/comfort, competence kink (characters being extremely competent at what they do, and other characters admiring their competence). I'm fine with het, slash or gen. Sex scenes are fine in a longer story, but in anything less than 3000 words or so (as Yuletide fics often are), I'd rather it focus on something else.

Dislikes Unhappy endings (meaning endings where everyone is either dead or miserable with no hope of getting better), focus on pregnancy and/or babies, infidelity, partner betrayal, mundane AUs, omegaverse or BDSM AUs, permanent character death for any of my requested characters.

The Invisible Library: Irene/Kai/Vale is my OT3, so if you could make that happen in a story, I'd be very happy! I'm pretty sure Irene and Kai are already down for it in canon, but Vale would probably need a fair amount of convincing, so a story focusing on how they'd accomplish that would be great.

Other ideas: we've seen Vale helping Irene out on all of her cases, but it would be fun to have it be the other way around, and have Irene help Vale with a case that's totally unrelated to the Library.

On a totally different track, maybe some backstory about Irene's childhood at the Library and early Librarian training?

The Huntress by Kate Quinn: Where do our characters' lives go after the events of the book? I know we get some facts about it in the last chapter, but I want more. How do Nina and Ian negotiate their relationship going forward? Do they stay married, have the world's friendliest divorce, work out some sort of open arrangement? Do they keep traveling the world and kicking Nazi ass? (I hope they do!). Also, I would love to see Nina get some sort of better closure with Yelena some day. Maybe Yelena manages to score a trip abroad during the Khrushchev Thaw on some sort of cultural exchange, and she and Nina run onto each other again? I just want to see them talk.

Don't feel obligated to include all three characters in your fic. As long as Nina is there and interacting with one of the others, I'm happy.

Nikita: Honestly, just about anything with these characters would make me happy. Nikita and Michael being an awesome battle couple and hunting bad guys post-canon? Great! Nikita and Alex moving from their mentor-student relationship to working together as equals? Great! All three characters hanging out on the beach drinking Pina coladas and reminiscing about the old days? I'm there!

My AO3 account is
marinarusalka, if you want to get an idea of the sort of fic I go for.

I hope you have fun writing for me! This entry was originally posted at You may comment there using OpenID.


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