1. In my never-ending quest to find fun new things to bake, I made Khachapuri for brunch yesterday, following
this recipe. They were very tasty and filling, and not at all hard to make. I may up the amount of feta cheese next time, to get more flavor from it.
2. For some reason, I spent a large chunk of the weekend reading Iron Fist fanfic. Yeah, I don't know either. It's my least favorite of all the Marvel TV shows, and I never read any fic before, but I read some of the ones in this year's Yuletide collection, and apparently it set me off on a binge? And now I have an idea for a crackfic? I dunno. My last posted fic was for Hilda the Plus-Sized Pinup, so maybe I should just accept that my brain wants to write crack now.
3. Speaking of Marvel TV shows, I watched the first two episodes of WandaVision and actually liked it, which I wasn't expecting at all. It reminds me a little of Pleasantville and a little of The Truman Show, but creepier. (I mean, the people running the Truman Show were pretty creepy, but they weren't, like world-conquering supervillain level of creepy.) I want to see where it goes, anyway.
4. Apparently there is some sort of drama on Twitter involving yet another pro writer posting their Very Important Thoughts About How Fanfic Is Evil? I had a brief impulse to look it up, but then decided that I don't actually give a shit. I'm choosing to take this as a sign of my growth as a person. (Though it did somewhat increase my motivation for writing Iron Fist crackfic, so maybe not too much growth.)
5. I seriously just spent a full minute trying to decide whether the paragraph above should say "I don't give a shit" or "I don't give a fuck." I blame the History of Swearwords series on Netflix, which has been keeping me amused in the evenings the last few days. I think I've become way too easily amused lately.
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