mundane stuff

Dec 18, 2020 09:12

Last weekend, The Boy and I bought a new curio cabinet for the living room; it took quite a while to find one just the right size to fit in the spot where we wanted to put it. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday, and it was, except that then it turned out to have a crack in the glass door. So the delivery people took it away again,and now we're supposed to get a replacement on Monday. Which is not exactly a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I'm still annoyed. I was looking forward to it, dammit! This is 2020, when putting knicknacks into a new cabinet is the biggest entertainment I have to look forward to on a weekend!

Oh, well, at least this little storage ottoman I ordered a couple of days ago did arrive on time. I put all my knitting stuff in it, so that it's no longer piled on the recliner, and also so Simba can't pounce on it the moment my back is turned. Modified rapture. This entry was originally posted at You may comment there using OpenID.
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